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Good day Mr. Dowson,

I am currently involved in a project in my university of building a Flight Simulator using Microsoft's FSIM 2004. For the aircraft handling we wanted to build a small program which simulated a loop for the automation and aircraft manipulation process.

I read some weeks ago in a German Fsim magazine about the response curves included in the registered FSUIPC version. As a new registered user I tried some variations but couldn't quite get the desired results (need full control of the curves in the IN/OUT coordinates).

There have been some threads about control response and delay (http://forums.simflight.com/viewtopic.php?t=49968) about Helicopters and stability, but I couldn't apply these to my case.

The goal is to build a feedback-controlled loop with e.g. a PID controller, in which I constantly measure the angular velocity, the angle of pitch, the current altitude, the indicated airspeed, and dumper the joystick's signal for a desired aircraft maneuver.

How is this measuring possible?

Thanks a lot.


The goal is to build a feedback-controlled loop with e.g. a PID controller, in which I constantly measure the angular velocity, the angle of pitch, the current altitude, the indicated airspeed, and dumper the joystick's signal for a desired aircraft maneuver.

How is this measuring possible?

All angular and linear accelerations and velocities are available for you to read, and you can intercept the joystick inputs and change them en route to FS, as you like ("fly by wire" is programmed like that).

Please, just download the FSUIPC SDK from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson and study what is available. I am sure it would be sufficient for your needs.



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