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After installing FSUIPC 3.53 registered copy, I also found the aircraft was shaking up and down when running on the runway like running on bumpy surface. I run PMDG 747 on the runway and make it crash due to aircraft damage (above 80 knots), this will not happen if I turn on "ignore damage" option in the realism setting, but it will decrease the realistic level. With Level D 767, the shaking is still happen in same intensity but will not make it crash, I think because the difference in damage modelling between both add-on aircraft. What is the cause of this "bumpy runway" ? and how to solve this problem ? :x



I have checked out all the brakes panel and there is no fault or misoperating indication. Is there any other brakes setting or code in the add-on or FS2004? Thanks for your response.

After installing FSUIPC 3.53 registered copy, I also found the aircraft was shaking up and down when running on the runway like running on bumpy surface.

Sorry, FSUIPC is not responsible and cannot help. That will almost certainly be a scenery issue.



I tried to replace FSUIPC 3.53 with the older one i.e 3.48, and the problem disappeared, unfortunately my registration for 3.53 doesn't work for 3.48.

Registrations normally work for all 3.xxx versions, excepting registrations purchased in 2006 need 3.53 or later (a date check error -- I had expected FS2006 in 2005, but Microsoft fooled me! ;-).

Without registration FSUIPC is doing nothing unless the programs or aircraft you are using it with are accredited, of course. To test 3.48 with accredited programs or aircraft you will have to delete you FSUIPC.KEY file (or just temporarily move it out of the FS Modules folder).




Actually, the reason I bought registered version of FSUIPC is for smoothness of wind change when I'm using FSMETAR or FS2004 weather. Without registered version wind change in FSMETAR would not be smooth. Thanks.

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