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Hi There,

I've programmed the Elevator Position Control (0BB2) in VB.NET, I'am using a potentiometer in a real B727 yoke. The calculation in my program is correct and also a value between -16384 and +16384 is send to FSUIPC. However when i check my FSUIPC Log files I can see for example: 5104500 Elevator input=-16235, calibrated to -9387

FSUIPC seems to calibrate my input, something I don't want. Is there another offset for the Elevator Position Control without calibration, or how can I fix this?

Thanks a lot


FSUIPC seems to calibrate my input, something I don't want. Is there another offset for the Elevator Position Control without calibration, or how can I fix this?

It sounds like you have edited the FSUIPC.INI file and set the "AxisCalibration" option to "Yes" at some stage. This facility was added to allow hardware devices implemented without their own calibration facilities, which had drivers interfacing to FSUIPC, to be semi-automatically calibrated by FSUIPC -- the only example still existing that I know of being the Aerosoft (Australia) Piper Arrow cockpit, GA28R (of which I am a proud owner! ).

The facility is described in the Advanced User's documentation.

I don't know why you may have enabled this -- it cannot be enabled by default nor through the in-sim options.

Edit your FSUIPC.INI file, delete the AxisCalibrations parameter, and the entire [Axiscalibrations] section, and you should find it is all okay.




I've checked the ini file but the AxisCalibration=No was already set. I've deleted the ini file, and restarted flight simulator and the problem was solved.

Later I noticed that the problem was due to an overflow (the value of the elevator position control went beyong 35000) This caused my program to hang, when i restarted the program the calibration was enabeled, however not shown in the ini file.



the problem was due to an overflow (the value of the elevator position control went beyong 35000

Ah, yes. FSUIPC has to deal with that situation in any case.

when i restarted the program the calibration was enabeled, however not shown in the ini file.

It must have been in the INI file -- it would have automatically created the [AxisCalibration] section. If there was nothing in the INI file doing it, then deleting it wouldn't have had any effect, now, would it? ;-)


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