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FS2002 Capabilities

Guest jiaweide

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Guest jiaweide


I am a novice to the sim world. I have three questions about FS2002:

(i) If speed falls below a certain value (coupled with bank angle) can an audio warning such as a horn or voice be generated to the alert the pilot?

(ii) Can the vasi info (e.g. too high too low) info be conveyed to the pilot again as an audio?

(iii) Can the failures be reset using appropraite 'emergency procedures' and can these proc be programmed? Also can the sequence (eg throttle idle, ignition on start etc) be recorded for debrief?

I would appreciate help.



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If speed falls below a certain value (coupled with bank angle) can an audio warning such as a horn or voice be generated to the alert the pilot?

There is a stall warning horn implemented in most (all?) of the FS aircraft.

Can the vasi info (e.g. too high too low) info be conveyed to the pilot again as an audio?

No. VASI and PAPI, etc, are purely visual. If you can't see them properly you should be doing an instrument approach, not a visual one, or seeking an alternate airport if you are not Instrument Rated.

Can the failures be reset using appropraite 'emergency procedures' and can these proc be programmed?

Depends on what the failures are I should think -- and anyway not many things are repairable in flight. Emergency procedures usually involve using alternative methods or instruments, and so on, not performing actual running repairs. There's not normally enough time to repair anything even if the diagnosis was easy. The priority is to fly the plane.

Also can the sequence (eg throttle idle, ignition on start etc) be recorded for debrief?

There is a flight recorder (black box) application. "FltRec" I think it is called. You can probably get it on several FS download sites. I don't know exactly what it records I'm afraid.


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Pete Thanks for the info. I was basically looking for doing an inflight engine restart procedure, recording the proc used and then being able to playback the keystrokes etc for a debrief. Also i want to have an audio warning if my altitude or speed or bank angle go beyond certain limits. Then perhaps the ILS glide slope info can be used to give additional audio/video cues to the pilot being too high or too low. Another thing of interest for me is to be able to have 'magic hoops' (a la landing training flight I in the student pilot option of FS2002) for a level horizontal turn.

I have used FltRec. I think it records only the flight parameters. I may be wrong. I need to look at it again.

Oh yes,can we only have 'selected' instruments displayed (something similar to using the 'w' key) at a selected location on the display?


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I was basically looking for doing an inflight engine restart procedure, recording the proc used and then being able to playback the keystrokes etc for a debrief. Also i want to have an audio warning if my altitude or speed or bank angle go beyond certain limits. Then perhaps the ILS glide slope info can be used to give additional audio/video cues to the pilot being too high or too low.

Well certainly all those things are programmable.

Another thing of interest for me is to be able to have 'magic hoops' (a la landing training flight I in the student pilot option of FS2002) for a level horizontal turn.

I really would have no idea about graphics overlays, but I presume that could be done by some sort of scenery design. Sorry, it isn't my subject. You might want to get hold of one of the official scenery design SDKs, or perhaps a scenery design package, and see if it is possible.

I have used FltRec. I think it records only the flight parameters. I may be wrong. I need to look at it again.

You are probably right. I don't think there's anything which records sequences of keystrokes or buttons for FS.

Oh yes,can we only have 'selected' instruments displayed (something similar to using the 'w' key) at a selected location on the display?

I supposed you could design a panel with such an arrangement. Apart from the "W" option you have 9 possible panels selectable by Shift+1 to 9. So the PANEL.CFG file could define different gauges, in different places, for each such selection. That's easy to do -- PANEL.CFG files are only text files. You can edit them yourself. But be aware that each gauge needs a bitmap to sit on (but it can be a blank bitmap). Again, there are some panel design programs that could help you.


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:oops: Can you provide additional tips?

(a) How do I program the speed/alt based audio cues...? I mean how to get the data and how to send back the audio? Whre should this program be located and what should be its structure?

Also I looked inside the panel.cfg but could not determine the palce where the shift+1,2..is used.




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How do I program the speed/alt based audio cues...? I mean how to get the data and how to send back the audio?

You could try using my ESOUND module, but please be aware that I am not supporting it these days. Otherwise you would need to write a gauge. For that you'd need the FS PANELS SDK.

There may well be some other packages which can make sounds based on events. Flight Deck Companion (FDC) and Enrico Schiratti's PMSounds come to mind, though they may both be over the top for what you want. There may be others. Sorry, it isn't really something I've been interested in -- I try to replicate a real cockpit in my setup.

Also I looked inside the panel.cfg but could not determine the palce where the shift+1,2..is used.

This section (as an example) determines which [WindowNN] section is activated by each such key combination, and gives the names you see in the Views dialogue for the panel.

[Window Titles]

Window00=Main Panel

Window01=Radio Stack




Window05=Mini Panel

Window00 is selected by Shift+1 and so on.


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