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Hello fellow simmers... I don't know if is the correct forum to ask for, but here it goes: I want to use my AFCAD (v1.4) along with my FS (2002) to run together for better placement of nodes... as we know, this linkage only can happen with FSUIPC installed and registered... and so is mine (Fsuipc v 3.47)... well ok. But the things still are not working. I open my FS at SBEG, open my AFCAD at SBEG, but there's no aircraft cross showing where I am. In other words, the link between FS and AFCAD is not working... would be that something relacted to the FSUIPC version? Thanks for any help...

Germano S. Cavalcanti

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Hi Germano,

The current version of FSUIPC is 3.70, which is the one that is currently being supported :


I see that you've posted at Pete's Forum, so he should get back to you shortly. Remember that it is mid-summer here in the UK, so expecting a technical answer over the space of a weekend might be a tiny bit impatient. Give it a few more days.

Also bear in mind that most people are now using FS2004, and FSX is fast approaching.


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Thanks Alastair... do you consider that for just download the FSUIPC 3.70 will let my AFCAD works? I saw something related about free keys for programs like the AFCAD in a basic post of this forum, but I don't know how do I make that...


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Well, thanks for NO help...

ErI have no idea what happened, but although your message is timestampec "Sat Jul 29, 2006 4:37 pm" I have only just seen it this afternoon (Monday) -- and I go check in here every couple of hours, even weekends. Sorry if you feel ignored, but something odd must have happened in the SimFlight server.


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I want to use my AFCAD (v1.4) along with my FS (2002) to run together for better placement of nodes... as we know, this linkage only can happen with FSUIPC installed and registered... and so is mine (Fsuipc v 3.47)... well ok. But the things still are not working.

You are extremely out of date. 3.47 is sometimeback in 2005. The current version is 3.70. If you registered this year (2006) you need at least 3.53, as it said in the registration email you received and also in the top announcement here.

If you registered last year or before, please check again with an up to date version, and let me know if you still have a problem.


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I saw something related about free keys for programs like the AFCAD in a basic post of this forum, but I don't know how do I make that...

The announcement/sticky near the top rentitled Freeware application keys for FSUIPC does actually list a free key for AFCAD.EXE. Whether it applies to the version you use I cannot say, but if you want to try just follow the instructions for entering an Application Key into FSUIPC which you will find in the User Guide. (Note that if you have already registered FSUIPC as a User you won't need to do this, or, indeed, be able to).



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Hello Mr. Dowson! I'm just writing for you to say I solved my problem in the following way:

1. Erased the old FSUIPC.

2. Installed the 3.70 (or 3.65).

3. Not proceded YET to FSUIPC registration itself.

4. Used the freeware serial for AFCAD.

5. Registered the program (after that it started to work as I want)

6. And finally registered the FSUIPC itself (using the same serial for my old one, don't asky me why, but it were acepted... did I broke any register law?)

Well, so, after that, all I want is to say thanks for Alastar and you, Mr. Dowson, and start working on correct my add-on sceneries afcads. :D

Best regards for all!


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Hello Mr. Dowson! I'm just writing for you to say I solved my problem in the following way:

1. Erased the old FSUIPC.

2. Installed the 3.70 (or 3.65).

3. Not proceded YET to FSUIPC registration itself.

4. Used the freeware serial for AFCAD.

5. Registered the program (after that it started to work as I want)

6. And finally registered the FSUIPC itself (using the same serial for my old one, don't asky me why, but it were acepted... did I broke any register law?)

Well, of those you didn't need to do (1) or (4) or (5). Nor really (6) if you hadn't deleted your registration.

As it clearly says in the User Guide, registering FSUIPC, means that it accepts all applications, with or without keys. It simply won't use the freeware AFCAD key any more.

And, no, you are breaking any 'law', as also explained in the User Guide. Your User Key is for the life of FSUIPC 3 -- you are, in fact, EXPECTED to update your copy of FSUIPC each time a new version comes out. I simply cannot support a variety of old versions, you see?

If you had already registered before, your shouldn't have needed to do so again. Evidently you must have deleted your registration as well. Please, one day, have a read of some, at least, of the FSUIPC User Guide. It does tell you how to install FSUIPC -- basically "copy the DLL into the FS Modules folder". You never have to delete anything, and you only create more work for yourself if you do.



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