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GFDEV.dll for FSX

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Hi Pete

How do I have to use this file?

Is it possible to get the GF modules working with it?

Do I need than widedisplay or can I simply replace the file in

the goflight driver with this file as there is not yet a FSX driver for goflight

modules out?

Many thanks for your great help.


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How do I have to use this file?

If you have installed FSUIPC4 in FSX and registered it, you can put GFdev.dll into the FSX modules folder and FSUIPC4 will see it and load it. Then FSUIPC4 will, in its buttons section be able to recognise the Goflight buttons and knobs and you can program them. Please check the User Guide.

Is it possible to get the GF modules working with it?

GFdev.dll only allows third party programs like FSUIPC4 and Wideclient to see the buttons so you can program them. It doesn't provide a ready-made solution like the correect GoFlight drivers. And neither FSUIPC nor Wideclient drive GoFlight displays and indicators, though my GFdisplay program (http://www.schiratti.com/dowson) can be programmed to deal with those too, as you wish.

There's no ready-made install-and-go solution except from Goflight themselves. My efforts offer flexibility but require work akin to elementary programming on your part. You can mix both too.



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Hi Pete

I tried to use Gfdisplay with the Gfdev.dll and FSX.

I only get to work the display for Com1.

I can not display Navs or Transponder.

I copied the new GFdev.dll in the same folder as GFdisplay.

I attach you my gfdisplay.ini file.

I already worked with GFdisplay under FS2004, never had a problem.

Thanks a lot



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I tried to use Gfdisplay with the Gfdev.dll and FSX.

I only get to work the display for Com1.

I can not display Navs or Transponder.

I copied the new GFdev.dll in the same folder as GFdisplay.

I attach you my gfdisplay.ini file.

I already worked with GFdisplay under FS2004, never had a problem.

Are you programming buttons in FSUIPC4 too? If not how are you controlling what is displayed. Would you like to explain more?

There's no change to GFdisplay, nor GFDev.dll. I cannot easily test your INI here as I don't have GoFlight equipment any more. If it worked before, with FSUIPC3, it should be okay.

The NAV, Transponder and COM radio offsets are working fine in FSUIPC4, so I really cannot say what is wrong. If you want me to look, I can check FSUIPC Log files -- you'd need to enable IPC Read and Write logging in FSUIPC. Please make sure nothing else is using FSUIPC at the same time otherwise it will be too confused. Do things methodically and write down exactly the sequence you used so I can piece that together with the Log to see where it is going wrong.


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Hi Pete

I normally run FSX first than I run GFdisplay with the gfdisplay.ini file I

sent you already.

Only the com1 frequency is displayed. The other radios are not

displayed at all although they are defined in the ini file.

I tried with your ini file I downloaded with gfdisplay, there is the same problem, only Com1 is displayed, no other radios.

I did not yet define the buttons, I will do that inside FSUIPC when I got Gfdisplay to work.




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I did not yet define the buttons, I will do that inside FSUIPC when I got Gfdisplay to work.

Erbut your INI file contains lots of conditions relating to what is going to be displayed, and those are set by buttons. I'm thinking in particular of the values set in offset 66C0 and 66C5, which define what is to be displayed on a GF45 and GF166 respectively, with COM1 if it is zero (as it will be!).

The INI file seems to be very closely based on the one I provided as an example, but whereas my example for the radios was for a single GF166 or GF45 to display any one of the 6 radio settings, according to an FSUIPC offset set by buttons, you have added three or four other GoFlight units, but you are still using the same types of conditions!!!

Obviously, if you can display 4 or 5 values at once on different units you don't want each dispaly to be dependent upon some selection button. The only reason you see COM1 and not the others is that is what you get with 66C0 and 66C5 set to zero, which it will be until you change it with the button stuff.

Sorry, if I'd known you hadn't programmed the buttons to select the frequencies I wouldn't have asked for the Log, as it does me no good.

Really you need to examine your complete GFdisplay.INI and discard EVERYTHING to do with selecting different displays for the same GoFlight unit. You have several Goflight units so you need none of that stuff, nor probably most of the button stuff.

To start with, delete conditions 12 to 18 and 37 to 42, and all references to them.

I'm sure you could throw most of the rest away too.



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Could you just give me a little example

for NAV1 for example.




There are lots of examples in the documentation. Did you check? How come you've used this stuff with FS9 and now don't understand the same stuff in FSX? Nothing has changed!

Anyway, all this below is simply looking at your INI file. You had:

Needs=V16 B E A

; Radio use

D0.1=!C36 C39 X350 R2 ;NAV1
D1.1=!C36 C39 !C43 X311E R2 ;NAV1 sby
D1.2=!C36 C39 C43 C44 XC50 U16 *360 /65536 D30 ;NAV1 radial
D1.3=!C36 C39 C43 !C44 ="---"
D1.4= ="" ; Else right display blanked

Of those conditions, C36 is for debug mode -- do you need that? Do you understand it? Let's chuck it!

C39 selects NAV1 on the value 3 in offset 66C5 (you can look these up yourself!)

C43 is a flag for radial display instead of standby. Do you need that? If so you need the button to change the offset on which it is based. I'll throw it out for now.

C44 is just a test for an active NAV1, but since it depends on a radial display (to be replaced by ---) it isn't relevant if we throw the radial display away.

Anyway, deleting all that you end up with:

Needs=V16 B E A

; Radio use

D0.1=X350 R2 ;NAV1
D1.1=X311E R2 ;NAV1 sby

There. What's so hard about that?



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Hi Pete

Many thanks for your help.

In fact for Fs9 I used only one Gfdisplay 45 module for ADF1 and ADF2. I changed the display with a key, exactly as in your documentation.

But now I understand, I did not realize that I did not need the conditions, if I had a GFmodule for each radio.

Thanks a lot (you really do a great job!)


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