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0x3C00 offset problem in fsuipc 4

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0x3C00 (aircraft path) still reflects a previous aircraft, if a new aircraft has been selected due to the situation load, instead of the "aircraft selection" menu in FSX

I'm afraid I cannot reproduce that here. It seems to work 100%.

What happens is that SimConnect sends me the Aircraft Changed notice, with the pathname, before it sends me the Flight Changed notice, also with the pathname -- I think when I get the latter, the flight is then fully loaded.

So the value in offset 3C00 should be changing slightly earlier than that in 3F04.

If you can get a different result, could you tell me how to make it occur? It would have to be reported to MS for fixing in Simconnect, but we need to tell them how to make it happen.



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Hello Pete

I figured out the problem. The name in 3C00 is not yet correct when gauges are passed PANEL_SERVICE_POST_INSTALL. However in the PANEL_SERVICE_PRE_UPDATE it is already set properly

May be need to be noted in the SDK word file.

With best regards,


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I figured out the problem. The name in 3C00 is not yet correct when gauges are passed PANEL_SERVICE_POST_INSTALL. However in the PANEL_SERVICE_PRE_UPDATE it is already set properly

May be need to be noted in the SDK word file.

I would do if I understood that properly. I'm afraid I am not familiar with Gauge programming. Are your words above enough, or would you care to word something for me to insert, please?

Do you think there are likely to be many gauges actually using FSUIPC4 when they can get this stuff direct from SimConnect?



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Hello Pete

I would put the remark as follows:

The name in 3C00 will not contain the correct aircraft path, untill MSFX loads the gauges completelly and begin the update sequence PANEL_SERVICE_PRE_UPDATE... PANEL_SERVICE_POST_UPDATE

>Do you think there are likely to be many gauges actually using FSUIPC4 >when they can get this stuff direct from SimConnect?

I am adapting our Dash 8 Q300 to MSFX, and it is using your fsuipc. Not sure how many gauges will do the same, but some will obviously do .



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I would put the remark as follows:

The name in 3C00 will not contain the correct aircraft path, untill MSFX loads the gauges completelly and begin the update sequence PANEL_SERVICE_PRE_UPDATE... PANEL_SERVICE_POST_UPDATE

Okay. I feel a bit daft with something I know nothing about, so i will probably preface it with "it has been reported that ...". ;-)



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