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Minor 4.061 beta installer issue

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Just a minor thing.

With the 4.061 beta installer now recreating the DLL.XML file it is no longer keeping my previous True value i.e. if I had FSUIPC4 previously installed but had configured it to be disabled, after running the 4.061 installer, FSUIPC4 is now enabled.


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With the 4.061 beta installer now recreating the DLL.XML file it is no longer keeping my previous True value i.e. if I had FSUIPC4 previously installed but had configured it to be disabled, after running the 4.061 installer, FSUIPC4 is now enabled.

I would count that as a good thing. If someone went to the bother of installing it, I wouldn't expect them to want it disabled. If you want it disabled, please disable it each time after installing, or simply don't bother installing it again.

This really is a benefit for those who don't realise it has been disabled (possibly by accident or another installer) and re-install it in the hope that it will be mended.



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