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Hi Pete :) ,

I want to retrieve information from ATC or other way on status in Airport.

For example I want to retrieve information if I've authorization or not to taxi, for landing, take-off, to go to ramp, parking and more.

Also, in offset 31E8, I want to know the ground flags, or to know if my plane is on runway or not etc...

It's important for me because I'm making a software specially based on checklist.

I hope you have a possibility to update offset 31E8 and to add offset runway and offset contains some informations ATC. :roll:

ATC put texts on ATC windows, is it not possible to retrieve these texts by memory ?

Thanks, regards,



I want to retrieve information from ATC or other way on status in Airport.

For example I want to retrieve information if I've authorization or not to taxi, for landing, take-off, to go to ramp, parking and more.

Yes, that would be nice information to get hold of. How do you propose we can do it?

Also, in offset 31E8, I want to know the ground flags, or to know if my plane is on runway or not etc...

31E8 won't tell you if it's a runway or not. You need to extract the Airport Data from the BGLs, to make a database, and work it out from the exact latitude and longitude. For the database part you can use my Freeware utility "MakeRwys" available in either of the download announcements above.

I hope you have a possibility to update offset 31E8 and to add offset runway and offset contains some informations ATC. :roll:

No, I've no idea how to make that a possibility. Sorry. It has been an ambition since FS2002.

ATC put texts on ATC windows, is it not possible to retrieve these texts by memory ?

You'd think it would be easy, wouldn't you? Let me know if you find out how. I'm afraid I gave up long ago, and many many fruitless hours.




Okay Pete,

I'm going to look your nice tool "MakeRwys" for detecting out of runways.

I hope in future, we'll find to able to retrieve information specially about authorizations status (taxi, takeoff, landing, ramp, IFR, etc..) from FSX ATC.

Maybe next year, we'll fint it :D

Happy New Year Pete, and all FS communauty :)



  • 4 months later...

Can somebody please tell me what the field headings are for the new R4.CSV produced from the latest MakeRwys.exe.

I think its something like

ICAO, Degreeheadingofrunway, Lat, Long (are these of the left corner of that particular runway heading?), ? , ?, RunwayLength, ILS freq, ? , ? , Lat , Long (of opposite left corner of runway?), ?, runway open/closed.

What do the BDG stand for after the freqs?

I've searched for info on this forum but I cant seem to locate anything regarding this.




Ive worked out the following

icao, runway ie 0161 16L, lat/long of centreline at bottom of runway heading, airport elevation, runway heading/ .?, runway length, ils freq/backcourse/dme/glideslope, runway width, ?, lat/long of centre of runway/line, ?

anyone please help with the 2 ?

Can somebody please tell me what the field headings are for the new R4.CSV produced from the latest MakeRwys.exe.


I've searched for info on this forum but I cant seem to locate anything regarding this.

Sorry about thatI'll add something to the ReadMe. Meanwhile here's the details of each of the CSV files:


ICAO, Rwy*, Latitude*, Longitude*, Altitude*, Heading Mag, Length*, ILSfreq*


ICAO, Rwy*, Latitude*, Longitude*, Altitude*, Heading Mag, Length*, ILSfreq*, Width*, MagVar, CentreLatitude, CentreLongitude, ThresholdOffset*


ICAO, Rwy*, Latitude*, Longitude*, Altitude*, Heading Mag, Length*, ILSfreqFlags*, Width*, MagVar, CentreLatitude, CentreLongitude, ThresholdOffset*,Status*

G5.CSV (GATES for RCV5):

ICAO, GateLetter, GateNumber, Latitude, Longitude, Radius*, HeadingTrue, GateType*, AirlineCodeList ...


ICAO,TaxiwayName,Minimum Width*,PointList ...

where PointList is a sequence of: Latitude,Longitude,TaxiType*,Width*

* Rwy is nnn for runway number, then 0, 1=L, 2=R, 3=C, 4=W (water)

* Latitude is of threshold or AFCAD's "runway start"

* Longitude is of threshold or AFCAD's "runway start"

* Altitude in feet

* Length in feet

* ILSFreq as nnnnn for nnn.nn, or just 0 when no ILS

* ILSFreqFlags is ILSFreq then optional B (backcourse), D (DME) G (Glideslope) equipped

* ThresholdOffset in feet

* Status: ,CT for Closed for Takeoff and/or ,CL for Closed for Landing

* Radius in metres

* TaxiType is

0 = unknown

1 = Normal

2 = Hold short

3 = unknown

4 = ILS hold short

* GateType is:

0 = none

1 = Ramp GA

2 = Ramp GA Small

3 = Ramp GA Medium

4 = Ramp GA Large

5 = Ramp Cargo

6 = Ramp Military Cargo

7 = Ramp Military Combat

8 = Gate Small

9 = Gate Medium

10 = Gate Large

11 = Dock GA



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