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Hi Peter,

I'm using GPSout with my Garmin 196 and Garmin 296 (COM1, 9600, 1000, AV400).

These work very well up to v4.12.

Immediately after updating FSUIPC from 4.12 to 4.152, GPSout no longer works.

However, if I re-install the 4.12 DLL, it once again works perfectly.

I know that there is data being sent since I connected my RS232 tester. The speed looks good but I can't measure it.

The .INI corresponds to the settings displayed in the FSUIPC dialog box.

Any suggestions?

Best regards,

Nick P.


Immediately after updating FSUIPC from 4.12 to 4.152, GPSout no longer works.

However, if I re-install the 4.12 DLL, it once again works perfectly.

Strange, because nothing was changed.

I know that there is data being sent since I connected my RS232 tester. The speed looks good but I can't measure it.

Sorry, you are saying the 4.152 is sending data, but your device doesn't recognise it?

Please try PortMon and tell me what difference you see in the data. I am using GPSout here all the time, and there's no difference I can see.

You can get PortMon from http://www.sysinternals.com. It is freeware.



This has happened to me, too. GPSout worked with my earlier version, but not with 4.152. Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of 4.12 to go back to.

Pete, in your release notes for 4.152, you say "The port names used in the GPSout section of FSUIPC4 are now applied with the prefixed \\.\ sequence when used to set the port speed and other properties as well as in the opening. This should make it unnecessary to add the prefix in non-standard port names such as those for USB connections. "

Could this have anything to do with the problem?




Hi Peter,

That is funny indeed... I know how it feels when you know that it shouldn't be, yet it is....

I've used Portmon to gather the results from simply swapping the FSUIPC.DLL from v4.12 to 4.152.

It looks like the Word Length is different between the 2 versions: from 8 to 7 for whatever reason.

I hope that helps!

Good luck!

Nick P.



Yes, it looks like GPSout is using 7 bits instead of 8.

My receiving application (Street Atlas) now works with 4.152, provided I change the word length in Street Atlas to 7 bits.



I've used Portmon to gather the results from simply swapping the FSUIPC.DLL from v4.12 to 4.152.

It looks like the Word Length is different between the 2 versions: from 8 to 7 for whatever reason.

Weird. I only get 8 bit words here, but I'm not seeing the data you are seeing either. What sentences are they? Can you show me the GPSout section of your FSUIPC4.INI file, please?



Here are my settings from FSUIPC4.ini:








I have not changed the settings from those that worked with 4.12.



In my last post I uploaded a ZIP file with both Portmon logs and the entire FSUIPC.ini file.

Yes, sorry. Saw it just after I posted.

I think I know what is going on. I tried some experiments. Basically, it now seems to be failing to initialise some of the parameters in the Comms control block, and leaving them set to the previously set values -- so a lot depends on previous usage of that Port.

The change I actually did was to include the \\.\ part of the name in the port spec when building the new block. That helped in certain reported cases with USB ports, but it seems to have this side effect.

I'll upload a revised version when I've figured out what to do. Apologies for the inconvenience.




It works perfectly!

Good. I've got another small fix to make (Spoiler Inc/Dec, as per another thread), so by the time it gets into the Downloads Announcement it wil be 4.156 or 7.



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