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I have tried everythiung but SIMMARKET persists in refusing my Visa Card. With the same Visa card I ordered somthing else via FlightsimOne. (SIMMARKET is one of the few sites that asks for the card owners name, which name is this, the name on the card?, complete neme, not the surname?) Is there another site where I can order FSUIPC4

I have tried everythiung but SIMMARKET persists in refusing my Visa Card. With the same Visa card I ordered somthing else via FlightsimOne. (SIMMARKET is one of the few sites that asks for the card owners name, which name is this, the name on the card?, complete neme, not the surname?)

In my experience ALL uses of credit cards need the name actually on the credit card. I don't know where you've shopped before that don't care about the name! :shock: They also want the address of the person, as known to the card issuers. Without some sort of ID security how could we trust the use of cards at all? We'd all be in a mess, reverting to hard currency again. ;-)

Is there another site where I can order FSUIPC4

Only one in Japanese, Intercraft.

Check the payment options. There's many ways SimMarket can take your money. ;-)



After contacting simmarket i foud out why they refused my Visa payment. I am living 50% in Belgium and 50% in Spain. My Visa card is issued by a Belgium bank. I am now in Spain. This is the reason why SIMMARKET refuses my payment. For me this is a reason that is absurd, certainly within the European Community. All the other sites accept my Visa. For example yesterday I ordered the B767-300 level D for FSX. The last 2 monts I orderd 5 other FSX products from different sites without no problems and always with Visa.

I am not considering orher ways of payment, I find them to complex. The best thing is probably to wait 2 months. Than I will be back in Belgium.

It is a pitty that you are using SIMMARKET as the only provider of FSUIPC. Certainly, if they are using strange payment acceptance rules.

Adriaan Van Hees




It is a pitty that you are using SIMMARKET as the only provider of FSUIPC. Certainly, if they are using strange payment acceptance rules.

Well, I'm sorry you've had such problems, but SimMarket has been very good for FSUIPC and my other programs and I'm not considering any change.

Do you really find PayPal too complex? I find it very easy and useful, and much more versatile on the Internet than credit cards -- especially once you've set up an account (which admittedly does take a few days whilst they do the security stuff).



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