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Question about GFDisplay software

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Hi all,

I have been having problems with assigning GoFlight EFIS items to work with Magenta. Though I can pull down and assign, in FSUIPC or GoFlight's Remote, things like range ring, APPT, VOR, Map modes, DH, Baro Press, just to name a few, they do not take anymore in PM on the PFD/ND display. As a test I took the 2 GoFlightT8 and P8 boards that were on my MCP client and plugged them into the main server PC, where the game is and again thru FSUIPC was able to go to buttons and assign both FS and PM and go down the list of items, but nothing happens on PM. If I assign the same EFIS boards to main MIP default things, like Nav lights or AP on/off, then it works on the defaulf MIP when brought up, but nothing on PM. I use CPFlight MCP and it wont go on the the AP on, but again the default MCP will.

Though these items did at one time all work OK just thru GoFlight's Remote, is there something that I am missing here to do or set, to make GoFlight talk to PM for MCP/EFIS items. If not, see next paragraph......

I see that Dowson now has this GFDisplay and will try it. One thing, I was reading the docs for it and could not determine if its a simple assign thing like the main FSUIPC or will I have to program items as I try to assign EFIS buttons and rotorys?

Also of concern, is I am flying fs2004 with 2 clients for PFD/ND and the other for MCP and engines, with no CDU and CPFLight's MCP unit. Dowson mentions that in the GFDisplay I would need to update to latest versions of his software. Is that so? I am on all builds that are about a year old. Jonathan from PM had mentioned that I might want to stay where I am at with builds, in that, since I am not using fsX, I might not want to see all the new graphics and such, however, if this GFDisplay needs the new ones, how do I upgrade if paying money is required. How do I send in funds and to where.



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I have been having problems with assigning GoFlight EFIS items to work with Magenta. Though I can pull down and assign, in FSUIPC or GoFlight's Remote, things like range ring, APPT, VOR, Map modes, DH, Baro Press, just to name a few, they do not take anymore in PM on the PFD/ND display. ...

Though these items did at one time all work OK just thru GoFlight's Remote, is there something that I am missing here to do or set, to make GoFlight talk to PM for MCP/EFIS items.

Sorry, this sounds more like a problem with PM. Have you tried their support?

If you want more assistance here please be more specific as to exactly what you are assigning in FSUIPC. it doesn't matter whether the source of control is the keyboard, joystick or a GoFlight module. The only part which matters is how you are trying to make things occur in the PM modules. Of course the connection to PM matters too. Are you using wideFS? Is that all working?

I see that Dowson now has this GFDisplay and will try it.

I am this "Dowson" (though I much prefer to be called "Pete"), and GFdisplay has been available for many years, it is far from new. And it has nothing to do with buttons or switches, it is just a way of using the digital and LED displays on GF units.

Dowson mentions that in the GFDisplay I would need to update to latest versions of his software. Is that so? I am on all builds that are about a year old.

In that case kindly update to the latest versions before asking any more questions. I cannot support anything other than current versions, as listed in the Announcement above!

how do I upgrade if paying money is required. How do I send in funds and to where.

Who on Earth said any money was involved? Just update -- you should be updating regularly in any case. I provide updates almost monthly. I cannot support old versions.



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Hi Pete,

First off, I was told by many people and I think you have a post about if one wants to update to FSX, one will need to of course always update your FSUIPC and WIDEFS (both of which I have now and working good, but on versions about a year old) and this will require paying a little fee. About $60 usa. Am I wrong here?

Of note, I was able to contact GoFlight and Doyle and I have 2 ways to go. One is delete all my old GoFlight software and reload them again (good for my fs2004) and the other way is upgrade to fsX and upgrade all builds and programs.

One question. Can I stay with fs2004 and still upgrade FSUIPC and WIDEFS to their current versions (whether paying for them or not) along with upgrading PM builds, and not have a conflict with fs2004?

Thanks Pete,


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I was told by many people and I think you have a post about if one wants to update to FSX, one will need to of course always update your FSUIPC and WIDEFS (both of which I have now and working good, but on versions about a year old) and this will require paying a little fee. About $60 usa. Am I wrong here?

Why are you now talking about updating to FSX? There have been new versions of FSUIPC in the last year for FS9 and before too! You said:

since I am not using fsX

Do you hope to get FSX for free? Won't that be costing you some $$$ too?

Can I stay with fs2004 and still upgrade FSUIPC and WIDEFS to their current versions (whether paying for them or not) along with upgrading PM builds, and not have a conflict with fs2004?

Of course! You are expected to keep up to date! As I have said, I cannot and will not support old versions. You do NOT pay for a specific single version 3.xxx: if you have paid it covers ALL version 3.xxx. Only if you move to FSX would you need a new completely re-written version of FSUIPC, called FSUIPC4. Both are maintained in parallel.

Current supported versions (for FS9 and before AND for FSX and beyond) are listed in the appropriate announcement above.



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