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FSUIPC install problem

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Hello all,

I wanted to connect ASX on my laptop (Vista) to FSX on desktop (XP Sp2). FSUIPC was working well at this point. I installed the simconnect sdk from FSX disk 1 and then installed the update. I never did get the two working together very well. FSX would crash anywhere from 20 to 1hr into a flight with no reported error message. I gave up trying to get this working and eventually did something that removed FSUIPC from the task bar within FSX. I decided that I would uninstall FSX and start again without simconnect. With a fresh updated version on FSX + SP1 I tried to install FSUIPC, I got the following error:

Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.16

Looking in registry for FSX install path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0


SetupPath="E:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

Checking version of FSX.EXE:

... Version 10.0.61355.0 (Need at least 10.0.60905.0)

Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:

... Probe Manifest fails to match base SimConnect needed to load FSUIPC4!

Found later build SimConnect 61234 (SP1 May07)

I uninstalled FSX then installed it again. When trying to load FSUIPC I get the same message. I then loaded simconnect SDK and updated it. I still get the above error message.

It looks like the simconnect information in the registry is not being removed when I uninstall FSX.

Any thoughts?


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I wanted to connect ASX on my laptop (Vista) to FSX on desktop (XP Sp2). FSUIPC was working well at this point. I installed the simconnect sdk from FSX disk 1 and then installed the update. I never did get the two working together very well. FSX would crash anywhere from 20 to 1hr into a flight with no reported error message.

Sounds like you have some corrupted cloud graphics, or something similar. I've been using ASX from a Networked PC ever since it came out with no problems.

I gave up trying to get this working and eventually did something that removed FSUIPC from the task bar within FSX.

You probably had a SimConnect.xml file with no local connection capabilities listed. Re-running the FSUIPC4 installer would have fixed that.

I decided that I would uninstall FSX and start again without simconnect.

There's no such thing as FSX without SimConnect, it's an integral part, and needed for lots of things as well as ASX and FSUIPC4.

With a fresh updated version on FSX + SP1 I tried to install FSUIPC, I got the following error:


... Probe Manifest fails to match base SimConnect needed to load FSUIPC4!

It means what it says. You have somehow corrupted or lost the original Simconnect version, the one which would be installed from the FSX DVD. Please refer to the FSX Help Announcement for details of how to repair/re-install that.

It looks like the simconnect information in the registry is not being removed when I uninstall FSX.

That's right, and that's exactly why that FSX Help Announcement has been there so long and is still important! ;-)



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Hi Pete,

I did as listed above and was able to install FSUIPC. I now get the following:

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.16 by Pete Dowson *********

User Name=""

User Addr=""

FSUIPC4 not user registered

WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

Running inside FSX (SimConnect SP1 May07)

Module base=61000000


93 System time = 19:03:41

109 FLT UNC path = "\\DESK\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

109 FS UNC path = "\\DESK\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

1250 LogOptions=00000001

2437 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate!

17500 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

18515 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate!

33531 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

34593 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate!

46796 System time = 19:04:28

46796 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Memory managed: 2 Allocs, 2 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

I have not loaded the Simconnect SDK from the install disc as I wanted FSX and fsuipc working first. Should I try your above steps again?

Thank you for your patience


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I did as listed above and was able to install FSUIPC. I now get the following:

2437 Failed on SimConnect_Open, return = 0x80004005: FSUIPC4 cannot operate!

This indicates that the TCP/IP connection used by SimConnect is being blocked by a security program you have running, probably a firewall. There's a note about this on the Microsoft FS web-site, and quite a few in my FSUIPC read-me which was installed with FSUIPC4.



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In the end I uninstalled FSX and the virus software. After cleaning the registry I installed FSX with all the updates and made sure that simconnect was working, then installed the McAfee. Everything is working as it should; my guess is that I corrupted a file when I was messing around the first time.

Thanks for yuo input.



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In the end I uninstalled FSX and the virus software. After cleaning the registry I installed FSX with all the updates and made sure that simconnect was working, then installed the McAfee. Everything is working as it should; my guess is that I corrupted a file when I was messing around the first time.

Possibly, though McAfee was one of the programs which caused problems with SimConnect in the early days. Maybe the re-install got that sorted.

Glad it's all working for you now. Good flying!



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