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I rather cleverly connected my new Routech yoke buttons to my FDS SYS3 card, but can't find a way to make them work. They are elev trim up/down, A/P trim disconnect, A/P disconnect, PTT Talk, PTT Intercom, Nose Wheel Lock, and Chrono start/stop. etc etc. I aslo wired some switches from the pedestal to the same card.

I can see these assignments from FSUIPC buttons page,(as I had it before with my previuos controller) but I cant find a way to assigning the via the FSUIPC dropdown menu in FDS Interface IT. I have the card connected to the CDU PC, so some I can assign direct via PM Systems ie TOGA=THR, but others like the ones described above and park brake, I cant assign in IT Interface.

Please can you help me find the right way to go?

Many Thanks

Paul Wood


I rather cleverly connected my new Routech yoke buttons to my FDS SYS3 card, but can't find a way to make them work. They are elev trim up/down, A/P trim disconnect, A/P disconnect, PTT Talk, PTT Intercom, Nose Wheel Lock, and Chrono start/stop. etc etc. I aslo wired some switches from the pedestal to the same card.

I can see these assignments from FSUIPC buttons page,(as I had it before with my previuos controller) but I cant find a way to assigning the via the FSUIPC dropdown menu in FDS Interface IT. I have the card connected to the CDU PC, so some I can assign direct via PM Systems ie TOGA=THR, but others like the ones described above and park brake, I cant assign in IT Interface.

Please can you help me find the right way to go?

Sorry, I've absolutely no idea whatsoever what the FDS interface is or what it does. I think you will have to refer to their documentation or support on this.



  • 2 weeks later...


I now have everything working as a joystick button, and although I have things FSX cannot support (nosewheel lock) etc I have a question regarding the PM A/P. I have a A/P disconnect button, but where can I find the button for the A/P Trim disconnect?

This as far as I know, is used for short movements of the yoke, when you want to over rule the A/P for some reason.


I have a question regarding the PM A/P. I have a A/P disconnect button, but where can I find the button for the A/P Trim disconnect?

Does the PM A/P support that?

This as far as I know, is used for short movements of the yoke, when you want to over rule the A/P for some reason.

Hmm. My 737NG cockpit has a facility for preventing the A/P disconnecting when you move the yoke, but that does the reverse, stopping you taking immediate control in an emergency, so it's a covered switch (on the back of the centre console) normally left alone. .

The facility which, I thought, allowed you to use the yoke to make flight attitude, altitude or banking adjustements whilst still under A/P control is "CWS" (Control Wheel Steering). There are CWS buttons on the MCP, below the A/P buttons, and also on some aircraft the button to the rear of the trim button(s) on the Yoke engages CWS whilst pressed.

As far as PM is concerned we are still waiting for CWS to be implemented I believe. I'm sure it is on Enrico's long long list. For PFC equipment I did implement a form of CWS in my PFC driver.

I really don't know what "A/P Trim disconnect" facility you mean, but it doesn't sound right to me, as the A/P will be flying using the regular controls, and trimming as well, not just manoeuvering via trim tabs only, surely?





You could well be right - I can't find anything in the PM docs relating to this.

However, in my FSUIPC 4 ini file I have this line "DisconnTrimForAP=No", so presumably it has some function.

In my ERJ manual it says:

"A quick disconnect button is installed n the control wheel.

Pressing this button will temporarily disconnect all trim systems.

Releasing this button will allow trim systems to operate."

To make matters more complicated I am using the PM 737 MCP, connected to the FDS ERJ Autopilot hardware, so I don't have a CWS button that I can see, or touch.

On the bright side, I don't have any grandkids yet, but did have some friends over for a Sunday BBQ whose daughters did great deal of stress testing on the yokes for me - you know the wham wham side to side sort!

I dont know about you, but I bravely said "No they can't do any harm, only to spend 20 minutes sorting out PM RJ screens again after their short visit - next time lock the screens!

... n my FSUIPC 4 ini file I have this line "DisconnTrimForAP=No", so presumably it has some function.

That's also an option in the "Miscellaneous" tab in FSUIPC's options in FS, and explained in the User Guide. It is nothing to do with what you were describing, but merely an option to prevent an erratically behaving Trim axis wrecking AP's pitch control. With the FS autopilot, when it is enabled, it causes FS to disregard the aileron and elevator axes, but not the elevator trim axis. Not many folks have a separate axis for trim -- they usually use INC/DEC type arrangements, even with things that look like trim wheels. All the FSUIPC option does is disconnect the elevator trim axis when the FS A/P is engaged so that the axis cannot interfere. I expect Microsoft would have done this if they'd thought of it.

In my ERJ manual it says:

"A quick disconnect button is installed n the control wheel.

Pressing this button will temporarily disconnect all trim systems.

Releasing this button will allow trim systems to operate."

What are "trim systems" in this context, and why on Earth would you want to disconnect them all? I can't see any sense in that at all -- unless their autopilot drives the whole shebang on trim only (very odd/bad). In that case it might be a sort of temporary A/P disconnect, but it isn't a true CWS option (Control Wheel Steering) as for that it would have to at least reset the A/P to target the new altitude attained.

To make matters more complicated I am using the PM 737 MCP, connected to the FDS ERJ Autopilot hardware, so I don't have a CWS button that I can see, or touch.

It wouldn't matter if you had as PM hasn't yet implemented CWS ;-) .




The text comes from my ERJ training manual, so I guess its correct.

If it's a training manual it should surely tell you what you might ever use such a facility for. As I say, it makes no sense at all to me I'm afraid.



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