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ATC.selection menus 0 to 9 inactive FSUIPC 4.16 FSX

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Keys programmed for selection of menus ATC 0 to 9 inactive in window ATC (other functions OK)


FSX Français+SP1, FSUIPC 4.16

OK with FS9 + FSUIPC 3.50


Sorry, could you explain in more detail what you mean? FSUIPC itself does not offer specific ATC facilities.



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For details, excuse my French.

A-Menubar FSX


C-options and setting FSUIPC

D-press keys


F - CTRL + G (such key assignments)

G-send control key when pressed

H- ATC menu 1

G confirm

H-ditto procedure menus ATC 2-9


J revival recording

Hit CTRL + G keyboard unrecognized in absolute (no action on window ATC)

The assignment of keys MENUS 0-9 ATC does not work in FSUIPC4.16

The same program running in fs9 and FSUIPC 3.50! ! !

I need to use the reassignment of keys FSUIPC with accented characters not because interfaced with IOcard USBKEY does not generate these characters.

Configuration: Used version Francaise



Interface IOCARD

USBKEYS Interface (keys fugitive)

Acknowledgments Pete

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For details, excuse my French.

A-Menubar FSX


C-options and setting FSUIPC

D-press keys


F - CTRL + G (such key assignments)

G-send control key when pressed

H- ATC menu 1

G confirm

H-ditto procedure menus ATC 2-9


J revival recording

Sorry, what is this a list of? Where is this related to FSUIPC, please?

Hit CTRL + G keyboard unrecognized in absolute (no action on window ATC)

I don't understand anything you are saying, I'm afraid. What is CTRL_G supposed to do, where?

Could you refer to the things you are asking FSUIPC to do? What are you assigning and what to, and where (which Tab). What is the name of the thing you are assigning to? Et cetera.

The assignment of keys MENUS 0-9 ATC does not work in FSUIPC4.16

Do you mean the 0-9 keys on the keyboard, or are you referring to some FS controls? If you mean the FS controls "ATC Menu 0" to "ATC Menu 9", then you should know that all FSUIPC does is send them to FS. If FS is ignoring them, then FSUIPC can do nothing. I expect they aren't programmed in FSX any more -- there are a few strange things which occur when the ATC menu is displayed, like the keyboard elevator/aileron controls don't work either.

I think Microsoft have programmed the ATC menu differently and are scanning the keyboard instead of processing controls. You may need to change your button assignments to send the 0-9 keypresses instead.

Unfortunately it is quite common for controls listed in the Table in The FS CONTROLS.DLL to be left in, listed, even when the code for them is no longer there. Also, sometimes new ones are added but they run out of time and don't actually code them, though that certainly isn't the case here.



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Hello Pete,

I understand " ATC MENUS 0 to 9."

My absolute version FRANCAISE n'interprete that accented characters é è ç in place of 0 1 2 3For the selection of menus ATC.

USBKEYS do not generate french accented characters.

We must conclude that the FS controls.dll relating to the selection of menus ATS would be different from fs9.

It is certainly the explanation that FSUIPC4.16 is inactive for the selection of menus ATC.

Thank you for your explanation, salutation

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