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Axis Assignment "Ignore Axis" Button Inop (FSUIPC v. 4.20)

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Newby going through replacing CH Manager and FSX joystick handlers with FSUIPC 4.20.

In the "Axis Assignment" tab several axis (mostly controller 1: CH Yoke) keep popping-up.

Having duly read the included manual (and the setup doc for CH Products gear) I click the "Ignore Axis" button, then "Rescan" while moxing the controller axis that Im looking to select.

After a while I click "Clr Ignores" and start again, or even quit FSX and re-start, but all to no avail.

But still I get the same ole axes showing-up! The hours pass and Im still clicking "Ignore Axis" and "Rescan" while moving the axis I want to select. I see a paddywagon on the way with serious-looking folk in white lab coats.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Many TIAs...


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Jahman try this:

In Axis assignment:

Press rescan button until NO axes show up - press it enough times and it will eventually clear the display ie no axes will be shown. Keep well away from the controller at this time as sometimes even the most sensitive movement can register.

Then Move the axis you want to assign and there you have it - assign it according to the manual.

(In fact I press rescan again until the display clears ie no axis is shown - then select the same axes making sure it has the same assignment ie X, Y etc as the first time.)

I have a CH TQ, CH Yoke and Saitek pedals connected and have never had to use the ignore axis option. My advice would be to set as many axes as possible in FSX, calibrate in WINDOWS then "fine tune" those axes in FSUIPC, that way you do not have to worry about axis assignment in FSUIPC but you still get all of its benefits.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks, PeterC!

I ended-up going the Notepad route, i.e. directly writing the appropriate entries into the the INI file as mt controllers just wouldn´t stop twitching.

The reason I want to "do all" in FSUIPC is to avoid a myriad of config files (FSX, FSUIPC, GoFlight, etc.) and so be able to benefit the most from FSUIPC´s ability to automatically select configs for different aircraft (and especially map 2 engine controls to 4 engine aircraft...)

I´ll post my FSUIPC "FSX Replacement" config file when I´m done...



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