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FSUIPC Installation

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Having problems installing fsuips. Have read lots of post without success. I get this message.

Looking in registry for FSX install path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0


SetupPath="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

Checking version of FSX.EXE:

... Version 10.0.61355.0 (Need at least 10.0.60905.0)

Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:

... Probe Manifest fails to match a valid base SimConnect needed to load FSUIPC4!

Found later build SimConnect 61242 (SP1 May07)

*************** End of Install Log ***************

Can anyone help?

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I am not an expert and don't have FSX but I think it is more likely that repairing the basic simconnect installation will help.

The simconnect installation from SP1 is found ok by the installer it is the initial simconnect installation (made when installing FSX) that is missing. They are ment to exist side by side as I understand it. There is a guide on how to do this among the pinned threads at the top of this forum.



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