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Server Vista , clients XP : server sees no clients

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When flying with Fs2004 I had no problems with WideFs.

Last week I installed Vista on my server.

FSX has been installed and all folders needed for Magneta have been shared.

My Aerosoft MCP is working fine through FSUIPC.

However I cannot get WideFs to work ( FSX version installed ) .

The clients have not been altered.

In Windos I can look in my clients and they can look in my server.

On my server I added : PreferredProtocol=TCP and on my clients also Protocol=TCP.

When checking the clients log , it is said Ok for connection, but no packages are being received.

No client names are being added in the servers ini file.

Then I even added then manually but no luck.

I started FSX normal and also as Administrator but unfortunately.

I have FSX SP2 installed.

I am really puzzeled here.

Help is appriciated.

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Microsoft Support helped me checking things on my server:

- To make the XP cleints able to see files and not just folders I had to add Everyone to the security page of the folder and then give it full control.

In Windows Firewall all fs related programs have been added to permit.

Als the 8002 port has been added.

But still no luck. mS has no further clue on this.

The clients log says that the server is there and no errors.

However PMFilecheckl says that it cannot find FSPLANS ( folder has been shared and has sharename FSPLANS ) and it cannot find fSUIPC/WidefS.


********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.20 by Pete Dowson *********

User Name="Gerard Salden"

User Addr="g.salden@casema.nl"

FSUIPC4 Key is provided

WideFS7 Key is provided

Running inside FSX on Windows Vista (SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07)

Module base=61000000


63 System time = 10:47:15


78 FS UNC path = "\\SERVER\C\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

1123 LogOptions=00000001

1123 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

4087 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)

4087 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

4087 FSUIPC Menu entry added

4119 C:\Users\G.Salden\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\KLM 747 at Gate F Amsterdam Schiphol.FLT

4119 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\b747_400\Boeing747-400.AIR

51200 System time = 10:48:06, FSX time = 10:47:19 (09:47Z)

51387 Aircraft="Boeing 747-400"

77345 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 26 secs = 13.3 fps

82103 System time = 10:48:37, FSX time = 10:47:19 (09:47Z)

82103 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Average frame rate for running time of 26 secs = 13.3 fps

Memory managed: 2 Allocs, 2 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********

Help is appriciated !

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At Magenta they are trying to help me.

Many emails have been sent to them/me.

Perfect support.

However no solution up to now.

If there was no netwerk connection at all I knew I would have to reinstall Vista and all other programs ( took me 2 weeks ).

I am looking for a program that can be installed on server and clients which is able to check the netwerk.

In that way whne starting up Fs it can be checked if WideFs is functioning at all.

Fsuipc is working fine.

Both registered.

My Aerosoft MCP , connected to the server, is able to work with the PM MCP , so no issues there.

Therefor I am looking at the netwerk / Firewall/ WideFs.

If there is something corrupt somewhre in Vista's netwerk , but it deos not show up I will never now.

Btw pinging shows that all packages sent to all pc's by every pc is received and returned well....

Therefor I am looking for a good netwerk testing program.

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Thanks to the great support form the Project Magneta team finally I was able to solve the isue.

First the Modules folder itself seemed to be corrupt , because whne I deleted the complete folder and then reinstalled Fsuip/WideFs there was a connection immediately.

Second I had to add extra permission for all users in the security tab of the Properties page in FSx folder itself.

Thumbs up for the great support ! :D :D :D

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