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Hi Folks... I have a most curious issue that just presented itself. My system has been running without issue until today. Now, however, if I use any version of FSUIPC (I have a registered version of 3.75, and two previous unregistered versions, and the problem persists with all), the view from within the virtual cockpit is a continual pan, as if I were constantly holding the "pan up" view key.

Two things can make this situation stop... a) removing the FSUPIC dll from the FS9 Modules folder, and b) unplugging my CH Pedals.

Without using FSUIPC everything (including the pedals) works perfectly.

It sure doesn't seem like it could be the cause but, absolutely the only thing that changed between a perfectly running system yesterday and these problems today, is that I replaced my power supply (went from 300 watts to 500 watts to accommodate a new 8800GT grahics card that's on the way).

I'd appreciate any insight you may have.

In case it matters, my system specifics are:

HP Pavillion A6230N AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor

3 GB RAM, 400 GB Hard Drive

NVIDIA GEForce 6150SE nForce 430

Vista Home Premium (so far... no problems...!!)

CH Pedals, Yolk, and Throttle Quad

Desktop Aviator Throttle Quad, Avionics Panel, and Trim Wheel

GoFlight Avionics

FS 2004

I appreciate your help. Thank you...


Folks... I just realized that I should've said that the two things that can stop the problem are:

a) removing the FSUPIC dll from the FS9 Modules folder,


b) unplugging my CH Pedals.

In other words, either action will cause it to stop. It doesn't require both. Sorry for the oversight...


Thanks for the speedy reply and suggestion, Pete.

Unfortunately, I had already tried as you suggested. And I had confirmed the calibration of the pedals both through FSUIPC and FS itself. But, I tried it again just to be sure. I removed (not renamed) the FSUIPC files from the Modules folder, and ensured that there weren't any in the main FS folder (as you instruct in your User Guide. Which is excellent, by the way.). No luck.

Is there a way to be sure that all settings within FSUIPC are cleared out, aside from attempting to clear them manually one at a time? I have tried that, and I've clicked on "Normal Defaults" (I believe it was called), although I'm not certain that that clears all settings. I was thinking that if I could start with a completely clean slate I might solve this.

I had thought that removing the FSUIPC.dll from FS9, and then re-installing it anew from my original download file would be the equivalent of starting fresh, but it didn't seem so.

Thanks for any further alternatives you may proffer, Pete... I appreciate your support...


Unfortunately, I had already tried as you suggested. And I had confirmed the calibration of the pedals both through FSUIPC and FS itself.

Yes, but pedals assigned to rudder shouldn't cause panning of the view at all. Or are you talking about only in slew mode? If so, then all you need is either to calibrate with a larger null centre zone, or assign them directly to rudder only in FSUIPC's axis assignments (using the "direct to FSUIPC" option) -- they won't operate in slew mode at all then.

But, I tried it again just to be sure. I removed (not renamed) the FSUIPC files from the Modules folder, and ensured that there weren't any in the main FS folder (as you instruct in your User Guide. Which is excellent, by the way.). No luck.

Now I'm confused. You said earlier that without FSUIPC installed it was okay. Now you say FSUIPC is irrelevant, you have the problem in any case?

Is there a way to be sure that all settings within FSUIPC are cleared out, aside from attempting to clear them manually one at a time?

Yes, simply delete the INI file before running FS. ALL (i.e. every single one) of your settings are kept in that one file.

I have tried that, and I've clicked on "Normal Defaults" (I believe it was called), although I'm not certain that that clears all settings.

That only sets normal defaults for the many assorted options. It doesn't touch button programming, axis assignment or calibration. I'd get shot if I made it do that! ;-)

I had thought that removing the FSUIPC.dll from FS9, and then re-installing it anew from my original download file would be the equivalent of starting fresh, but it didn't seem so.

Of course not, because FSUIPC.DLL is merely the program. It doesn't change except when I make an updated version. It can store none of your data. All of your settings go in the INI file. Many programs have INI or CFG files, they are almost universally used to store settings. You surely must have come across this notion before? FS itself uses CFG files, for instance.



Now I'm confused. You said earlier that without FSUIPC installed it was okay. Now you say FSUIPC is irrelevant, you have the problem in any case?

Sorry for the ambiguity, Pete. FSUIPC is creating the issue. Uninstalled, everything works. Installed, the pan ensues.

There was no improvement by deleting the .ini file. Once FSUIPC is installed again, the issue returns.

Although the problem is perplexing, I've found a workaround that I can live with, I think. While the problem is occuring, if I unplug the pedals and plug them into a different USB port on the computer, the pan stops and remains stopped as long as I don't access FSUIPC by clicking on the "Modules" option on the toolbar, or change aircraft. If I do need to change aircraft, I'll do so, and then unplug and replug the pedals to stop the perpetual pan.

A little inconvenient, but worth it if it allows me to use your application. I appreciate your attempts to help solve this. Thank you...


There was no improvement by deleting the .ini file. Once FSUIPC is installed again, the issue returns.

Well, I can only think you have something installed which is actively using FSUIPC, because by default, with a complete default INI, FSUIPC does nothing. It is not "active" but "passive", simply doing client programs' (including other DLLs' and maybe add-on Gauges') bidding.

Please enable Event logging in FSUIPC (Logging tab, Check both axis and non-axis events). When if happens, look in the Log. Let me see it too please.




Hi Pete... I'm unable to get a LOG file to generate. Here's what I'm doing. Please see if you can tell me what to do differently:

1.) Start FS and begin a flight.

2.) Select the Modules option, and then FSUIPC.

3.) Click the Logging tab and select New Log and Axis and Non-Axis Events (I've also reversed this order and selected the Axis options before clicking New Log).

4.) Click OK.

5.) Resume the flight. The panning problem is present.

6.) Let it run for 15 seconds, or so, and then stop the panning by unplugging and replugging the pedals.

7.) Invoke the panning problem again by selecting a new aircraft.

8.) Let it run for 15 seconds, then select the Modules option, then FSUIPC, then Logging, then Stop.

9.) End the flight and check the FS Modules folder for a LOG file.

I didn't see an FSUPIC.LOG file there so I searched the computer and found none.

I'm sure that this is supposed to be an incredibly simple process. Sorry for the hassle, Pete...

I'm unable to get a LOG file to generate.

If there's no FSUIPC log file, then FSUIPC cannot be running. If it is running it always creates a log file!

3.) Click the Logging tab and select New Log and Axis and Non-Axis Events (I've also reversed this order and selected the Axis options before clicking New Log).

Please don't click "New Log". This will close the current Log and start a new one. You end up with two files for me to look at, which is a waste of time. Youst enable both Axis and non-Axis logging. That's all. These will be remembered from session to session in any case.

8.) Let it run for 15 seconds, then select the Modules option, then FSUIPC, then Logging, then Stop.

Stopping logging merely ends that Log file and starts another. Please don't do that. We'll end up will many log files. Just the normal log will do fine. Please don't mess with anything other than what I asked.

I didn't see an FSUPIC.LOG file there so I searched the computer and found none.

It isn't "FSUPIC.LOG", but "FSUIPC.LOG", and with your starting and stopping logs, there mayl be several, with names like "FSUIPC1.LOG" and "FSUIPC2.LOG and so on.

The LOG is always produced, just like the INI file -- you do have an INI file, don't you? The LOG is a normal text file and it is placed in the Modules folder, next to the DLL. There is no way that I know of whereby it cannot be produced if FSUIPC is running.




Pete... I did as you asked. I believe you've hit on the problem. There are no LOG files, and there is no INI file. Not in the Modules folder. Not anywhere on the computer (the only INI file on the system is related to FS). As such, based upon your previous reply, it doesn't appear that FSUIPC is active.

The DLL file is in the Modules folder.

I'd appreciate your further suggestions. Thank you...

There are no LOG files, and there is no INI file. Not in the Modules folder. Not anywhere on the computer (the only INI file on the system is related to FS). As such, based upon your previous reply, it doesn't appear that FSUIPC is active.

But you said "I have a registered version of 3.75", and the registration needs an FSUIPC.KEY file, there in the Modules folder.

I notice you are using Vista. FS9 is not directly a Vista-compatible program. If you allowed FS to install into its default location (C:\Program Files\etc etc) then all sorts of weird things happen which even I don't fully understand -- except that apparently Vista recognises FS2004 as being non-Vista aware and does weird things with its folders.

The problems arise because no folders in Vista's "Program files" are accessible for ordinary non-Vista programs to write to -- they are all protected. To get around this I ensure I always install OUTSIDE the Program files area -- having great long paths to find files annoys me in any case. I put FS2004 into a folder such as "C:\FS9". My FSX is in "C:\FSX". Then you don't get into all this fiasco.

I think what is happening in your case is the there IS an INI, and one or more LOG files -- there must be, as you've run FSUIPC and been into its options dialogue. But it isn't in the folder you can see, which is parially aliassed to the REAL folder where the files are kept and updated correctly.

I'm not really sure how you get to the "real" folder, but try starting Windows Explorer by right-clicking on it and selecting 2Run AsAdministrator". That should run it with the privileges you need to see the REAL folder!



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