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i´ve used EPIC-ISA a long time and I have a little software, which "sends" QPROC´s to my EPIC, so I could use "defineqproc" to lit some leds.

Now I have switched over to EPIC-USB. I´ve done all things correct but it seems, my software is no longer able to send any QPROC to EPIC-USB. EPIC doesn´t receive any QPROC.

Now my question: Is there any different from EPIC-ISA to EPIC-USB regarding the communication using QPROC and PH ? If it is, where is the different exactly - so that I´m able to rewrite my software and sending again those QPROC to EPIC-USB.

Kind regards



Now my question: Is there any different from EPIC-ISA to EPIC-USB regarding the communication using QPROC and PH ? If it is, where is the different exactly - so that I´m able to rewrite my software and sending again those QPROC to EPIC-USB.

I am having difficulty remembering any of that, but I think there was a whole world of difference between the ISA version and USB version -- with my code, at least. On ISA I used assembly code via my EPIC95.VXD. For the USB version I interface to RR's EPICIO.DLL.

I'm afraid I don't even know where my documentation is for this stuff now. Your best bet really lies with the EPIC forum (is it still Ray's green side up?) or with RR or FlightLink.



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