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i use PMDG 737 and i want to assign the engine start lever to my levers of my 737 throttle. I want to do it via FSUIPC, but i don´t know the keys combination.

There is any way to configure it as fs2004 instead of key combination in fsuipc?

and what about the A/T engage /disengage button?

thanks a lot


  mvc321 said:
i have tried to assign the mixture rich and mixture lean, but does not work

Assign those controls to what? They are not axis controls so you wouldn't normally assign them to throttle-type levers.

The Mixture full lean, lean, enrich and full rich controls are those by default assigned to the Ctrl+Shft+F1 to F4 key combinations. They must surely work, but they are smooth axis control -- they operate in the same way as the 3 and 9 NumPad keys do throttle inc and dec controls.

Where are you trying to assign them? Just look down the list of axis assignments you can make in FS's assignments dialogue. Theose controls are not listed there, you will find the correct mixture assignments there.

Please be ore specific when asking questions like this. It is very difficult to guess exactly what you are talking about sufficiently to give an adequate reply.



i want to assign to the lever of the throttle. this levers are like buttons

But, how can we know the specific key combination that pmdg uses to move the cutt of levers ?


somebody gave me this offsets, but i don´t know how to programed to fsuipc

These are the offsets :






  mvc321 said:
i want to assign to the lever of the throttle. this levers are like buttons

You have levers which are only buttons, i.e. on or off?

But, how can we know the specific key combination that pmdg uses to move the cutt of levers ?

PMDG keep their internals secret. How do you do this withoyut hardware? Does the panel only respond to mouse clicks? Normally, in FS, the jet idle/cutoff switches are operated by the Mixture Full Rich and Mixture Full Lean controls. try "Ctrl+Shft+F4! and "Ctrl+Shft+F1" keyboard combinations -- by default in an FS jet these operate the idle/cutoff switches.

These are the offsets :






Those are not offsets, but FS control numbers. The FS controls are assignable BY NAME in FSUIPC, and also in FS itself -- the Ctrl_Shft_F1 and F4 keypresses are assigned to the MIXTURE_LEAN and MIXTURE_RIGH controls, by default. The separate Engine ones are there too.

Check in your PMDG aircraft whether the normal FS controls for these work. if so use those. Assign them in FSUIPC if you like.


  mvc321 said:
i had tried to do it, but it doesn´t move the levers in pmdg.

Does anything move them?

Is there any documentation which tells you how to operate that panel? If it can only be operated using the mouse then it isn't very suitable for hardware switches and levers, though you could try Lucian Napolitano's Key2Mouse program.

doing it, the thrust is reduce but don´t cutoff

If the lever is reducing the thrust it most certainly is not assigned to either mixture rich or lean, but to throttle. I think you have something mixed up there.

Why don't you try getting things working with the default 737 first? Advance to more complex panels when you know what is doing what on the default ones. It is only going to confuse the issue too much not knowing whether it's your assignments or the complications of the add-on aircraft which is doing the wrong things.



hi pete

i will try to expalin better

i have assig the rich mixture and lean mixture

if the lever of the throttle of pmdg is up, when i try to start the engine when N2 come to 25% it starts up alone because the lever of pmdg is up. then, if i change the lever of my throttle down (to cut off (lean mixture), the engine shutdown

if i do the same but begining with the lever of pmdg in the cut off position, when the engine gets 25% of N2 and i move the lever of my tq up (mixture rich) nothing happen because the lever of pmdg is down (cut off)

i hope you could understand now

in the default 737, what is the key combination to move this levers?

thanks a lot

  mvc321 said:

i have assig the rich mixture and lean mixture

To a button or switch? All you've said is "lever", which normally refers to an analogue axis.

if the lever of the throttle of pmdg is up, when i try to start the engine when N2 come to 25% it starts up alone because the lever of pmdg is up. then, if i change the lever of my throttle down (to cut off (lean mixture), the engine shutdown

Correct, although you should keep the lever at cut-off until N2 reaches at least 20%, not set it ready.

if i do the same but begining with the lever of pmdg in the cut off position, when the engine gets 25% of N2 and i move the lever of my tq up (mixture rich) nothing happen because the lever of pmdg is down (cut off)

So your assignment doesn't work -- so how did you operate it when you say it works, just above?

Are you sure that specific panel implements the starter lever operation using the same controls as default FS aircraft? If not you have to re-program your "lever" to use whatever the panel requires!

Why don't you check, as I suggested, by testing on a default aircraft first? If it works okay on the default aircraft, you need to read the documentation of the add-on to find out how to operate its start lever.

in the default 737, what is the key combination to move this levers?

Mixture full rich -- ctrl+Shft+F4. I am sure I have told you this before. Haven't you tried your lever with this?

You also need to clarify this "lever" you are using. Most throttle quadrants have analogue axes. How are you assigning this one to "mixture rich" and "mixture lean"? It makes no sense unless the lever is a button or digital switch, not a real lever/axis.

We are going in circles all the time now. Please review what I've said already.




i assign to a button.

when i say lever i´m talking about the lever that you can see in the panel of PMDG

i had tried to use this configuration in a default cessna. here it works perfectly. 1 push is maximun mixture and push is lean mixture.

but using pmdg, when i push the button the first time nothing happend. the engine stars alone when it reches 25% of v2 because the cut off levers in the panel of pmdg are up.

if then i push again, the engine stops, but the cuttof lever in pmdg doesn´t move down

this is not a good solution, yes for a cessna, but not to pmdg

  mvc321 said:
i assign to a button.

when i say lever i´m talking about the lever that you can see in the panel of PMDG

Ah, a button! All becomes clearer ...

i had tried to use this configuration in a default cessna. here it works perfectly. 1 push is maximun mixture and push is lean mixture.

Okay, fine. But why not try the default 737, which after all is more like the PMDG aircraft you are trying it on? The Cessna is nothing l;ike a 737.

If it works in the default 737 then your problem is specific to the PMDG add-on, so you should really be seeking support from PMDG.


but using pmdg, when i push the button the first time nothing happend. the engine stars alone when it reches 25% of v2 because the cut off levers in the panel of pmdg are up. if then i push again, the engine stops, but the cuttof lever in pmdg doesn´t move down

So it seems very likely that PMDG have not used the normal FS controls for this part of their cockpit (just as they don't for many other things). Why not refer to the documentation you get with the PMDG aircraft and find out how to operate it? There is probably a key press combination you can program, or even assign yourself.




I just tried the following and it works fine with the PMDG 737.

I assigned the Mixture 1 Rich to the On position and the Mixture 1 Lean to the off position.This DOES start the fuel flow at 20% N2, and can also be used to idle/cutoff to stop the engines.

However, the Idle/Cutoff switch on the PMDG 737 throttle quadrant does NOT actually move (only if you mouse click the control) However, it does not matter what position that switch was in..(Unless you physically click it, it doesn't move).

I happened to use the two independant throttle controls on a spare Saitek AV8R joystick to simulate the Fuel Cutoff/Idle toggles of a normal 737 throttle quadrant for engine 1 and 2.

I assigned the Z axis to Mixture 1 Rich with a null zone such that when passing through 3/4 travel (0 ) it sets it to Mixture 1 Rich, when Leaving that zone, it sets the Mixture 1 Lean.

Works like a champ.

  bcars said:

However, the Idle/Cutoff switch on the PMDG 737 throttle quadrant does NOT actually move (only if you mouse click the control) However, it does not matter what position that switch was in..(Unless you physically click it, it doesn't move).

Oh, how confusing! I think that should be reported as a bug.

Thanks for jumping in here.




what i used is a button that has 2 positions.What i really move is a lever, but is not an axis. the lever move the button, so there are 2 positions. button down and button up.

if you do this (what you said)

"""I just tried the following and it works fine with the PMDG 737.

I assigned the Mixture 1 Rich to the On position and the Mixture 1 Lean to the off position.This DOES start the fuel flow at 20% N2, and can also be used to idle/cutoff to stop the engines.

However, the Idle/Cutoff switch on the PMDG 737 throttle quadrant does NOT actually move (only if you mouse click the control) However, it does not matter what position that switch was in..(Unless you physically click it, it doesn't move).""""

the engine starts automatically after 20% of N2 without pushing the rich mixture button, because the lever in the pmdg is up. then if you push the lean mixture the engine stops.

on the contrary, if you have the lever of pmdg down( in cut off) position, after 20% N2 and you push the button of rich mixture, the engine does not start

The conclusion is that this systemworks at half when the pmdg lever in the sim is up. in this way the engine will start alone after 20% N2 and then you could stop it by lean mixture, so this is not the best solution

I had asked to pmdg and nobody answer



  mvc321 said:

The conclusion is that this systemworks at half when the pmdg lever in the sim is up. in this way the engine will start alone after 20% N2 and then you could stop it by lean mixture, so this is not the best solution

Have you yet actually tested it on the default 737? If it works on that and not on the PMDG aircraft then it has to be either a bug in the PMDG software, or possibly a bad installation, or simply that the PMDG panels are not designed to be used with the normal FS controls.

Have you checked to see what controls the PMDG panel offers vis its keyboard shortcuts? Maybe there's a specific keypress comniation they assign, or you can assign, to this function?

I had asked to pmdg and nobody answer

Well, I really cannot see how you will get more help here for what is evidently a PMDG matter. I would hope they would support their own products, assuming the answer is not already to be found in their help or documentation.




this is the answer from PMDG staff:

"""""do not actually use Licesnsed FSUIPC so I am unfamiliar with how you can do this. I would recommend you try posting your question on our support forum or the FSUIPC forum to see if one of the users there has any recommendations."""""

  mvc321 said:

"""""do not actually use Licesnsed FSUIPC so I am unfamiliar with how you can do this. I would recommend you try posting your question on our support forum or the FSUIPC forum to see if one of the users there has any recommendations."""""

You asked the wrong question, then. What has FSUIPC got to do with it? It's all about FS controls. If the standard FS controls (you can use Ctrl+Shft+F1/Ctrl+Shft+F4 which by default operate Mixture Lean and Rich respectively) don't work, what should actually work on their panel? (And did you ever check their documentation or help?).

I originally suspected the answer would be that yuou cannot use keystrokes or controls, only the mouse (because there are a lot of add-on panels which insist you use the mouse). But then another user in this thread chipped in saying the FS controls DO work -- it is just that the graphics don't work with the controls being used.

So there are two of you disagreeing on how the (same?) PMDG panel works. Either one of you has a different version (check for updates?) or one has a badly installed version.

Did you EVER check your assignments with the default 737 as I repeatedly suggested?

I really do think this subject is completely exhausted here now.



i had asked again and this is the answer:

""""There is no key combination created for this function. It will be added as part of the 737NGX product when it is released like it works now in the 747-400."""""

in default 737 it works perfectly, and it move the axis

what Bcars did works, (is the same that happen to meonly if the position of the lever in pmdg is in up position.if is in down position, he can not be able to start up the engine

i have the last version of pdmg 737

  mvc321 said:
i had asked again and this is the answer:

""""There is no key combination created for this function. It will be added as part of the 737NGX product when it is released like it works now in the 747-400."""""

in default 737 it works perfectly, and it move the axis

You have all your answers now then, at last. Looks like the only way is to buy Luciano Napolitano's "Key2Mouse" program so that you can program a keystroke to operate the mouse to move the lever. Then you can use that keystroke on your button. Trouble is then you have to have the quadrant on screen for it to work.




i will use this program because i want to have an overhead of 737. it would be possible to have in the same screen , the overhead panel and the tyhorttle quadrant? of course, the screen will be diferent from the one in which i will see the scenary

  mvc321 said:
i will use this program because i want to have an overhead of 737. it would be possible to have in the same screen , the overhead panel and the tyhorttle quadrant?

Yes, if you undock it and move it there. I would hope and expect Key2Mouse to be able operate the mouse on any screen too, but you need to check that.


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