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FSUIPC 3.75 Functions in unregistred version?

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i'm trying to run a headtracker with a software (http://www.free-track.org) which uses fsuipc for communication between the Software and the FS2004.

after some hours of debugging, it seems that some communication between the Software and fsuipc doesn't work, but it should, with the unregistred functions of fsuipc, but I'm not realy sure that my fsuipc is working correctly.

so my question is that: Supports the unregistred version this kind of functions? Or which functions have the unregistred funtion?



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... it seems that some communication between the Software and fsuipc doesn't work, but it should, with the unregistred functions of fsuipc, but I'm not realy sure that my fsuipc is working correctly.

so my question is that: Supports the unregistred version this kind of functions? Or which functions have the unregistred funtion?

As explained in the User Guide, only the user functions aren't available to an unregistered user. So that program has a problem. Maybe the answer is in the FSUIPC Log file. Please try again, then close FS down and show me the FSUIPC.LOG. It is an ordinary text file in the FS Modules folder, so you can paste it here.



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Thanks for the fast anwser... here is the logfile:

********* FSUIPC, Version 3.75 by Pete Dowson *********

Running on Windows Version 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Verifying Certificate for "D:\sim\Flight Simulator 9\MODULES\FSUIPC.dll" now ...

FAILURE! "WinVerifyTrustEx" error 0x800B0110:

This return is non-standard, possibly specific to trust provider

Running inside FS2004 (FS9.1 CONTROLS.DLL, FS9.1 WEATHER.DLL)

User Name=""

User Addr=""

FSUIPC not user registered

WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

FSUIPC.DLL signature does not verify: running in failed mode!

... if the DLL has not been tampered with, then either the Cryptographic

Services in Windows are broken, or you need to run the Globalsign fix supplied.

Module base=61000000



InitDelay: 0 seconds




19516 System time = 22:52:56

19531 D:\sim\Flight Simulator 9\

19547 System time = 22:52:56, FS2004 time = 12:00:00 (00:00Z)

27094 C:\Documents and Settings\josef\My Documents\Flight Simulator-Dateien\test.flt

27235 AIRCRAFT\c172\Cessna172SP.air

33500 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

99172 AIRCRAFT\c182\Cessna182S.air

149172 C:\Documents and Settings\josef\My Documents\Flight Simulator-Dateien\Von der Benutzeroberfläche erzeugter Flug.flt

149281 Clear All Weather requested: external weather discarded

364953 READ0 3304, 4 bytes: 02 00 00 00

364953 READ0 3308, 4 bytes: 02 00 00 00

364953 WRITE0 (failed, read-only!) 330A, 2 bytes: EC 03

365078 READ0 3304, 4 bytes: 02 00 00 00

365078 READ0 3308, 4 bytes: 02 00 00 00

523391 WRITE0 (failed, read-only!) 330A, 2 bytes: EC 03

this repeats often...

523531 READ0 3304, 4 bytes: 02 00 00 00

523531 READ0 3308, 4 bytes: 02 00 00 00

523531 WRITE0 (failed, read-only!) 330A, 2 bytes: EC 03

524610 READ0 3304, 4 bytes: 02 00 00 00

524610 READ0 3308, 4 bytes: 02 00 00 00

524610 WRITE0 (failed, read-only!) 330A, 2 bytes: EC 03

525000 System time = 23:01:21, FS2004 time = 22:57:57 (21:57Z)

525000 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Memory managed: 0 Allocs, 2224 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed *** *******

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Verifying Certificate for "D:\sim\Flight Simulator 9\MODULES\FSUIPC.dll" now ...

FAILURE! "WinVerifyTrustEx" error 0x800B0110:

This return is non-standard, possibly specific to trust provider


FSUIPC.DLL signature does not verify: running in failed mode!

... if the DLL has not been tampered with, then either the Cryptographic

Services in Windows are broken, or you need to run the Globalsign fix supplied.

There's the reason!

There's more information and possible fixes described in the User Guide. Please refer to the boxed section under Installation entitled "IMPORTANT: Before updating from 3.71 or earlier to 3.72 or later". (Yes, I know it may not apply to you with that wording -- I'll have to revise that).

If none of the remedies work, the only other thing I can think of it to try the Help suggested for signature problems in FSUIPC4 -- see the Announcement above entitled "Help with FSUIPC4 code signature problem".

Please let me know how you get on. So far, for Vista, there have been just a few codesigning signature problems, but I need to know what is going on. It looks like something in Vista options can get screwed up.



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I've run "GlobalSign Root.exe" once.... after that the certificate was ok.

Ah! So the GlobalSign root data was not included in your Windows? I see from the Log:

Running on Windows Version 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Isn't that Windows NT? Or Something else? I should remember that in case anyone else is still using an old operating system.



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