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Hello Pete!

For the FSX stock Douglas DC-3 only, I just wanted to report the "Discon Elev trim axis for AP" feature on the "Miscellaneous" Tab in FSUIPC (v. 4.212) doesn´t seem to be doing its job. Likely the culprit may be a non-standard implementation of the AP (a Sperry unit.)




For the FSX stock Douglas DC-3 only, I just wanted to report the "Discon Elev trim axis for AP" feature on the "Miscellaneous" Tab in FSUIPC (v. 4.212) doesn´t seem to be doing its job. Likely the culprit may be a non-standard implementation of the AP (a Sperry unit.)

You have an analogue trim wheel assigned how and where, please?

This user facility only operates when the A/P is in a vertical control mode -- i.e. Altitude hold or Glideslope hold. (There is another mode, "attitude hold" which probably should be applied too -- this was never operable in FS9 or before, but maybe it is in FSX?). Since the A/P won't be manipulating the elevator or trim in other modes they don't matter -- you still need control of the trim axis.

I'll check now ...

... OK, I give up. Where's the DC-3 A/P? How are you enabling any vertical hold mode?





The FSX DC-3 Sperry AP s located center panel right below the magnetic compass and consists of the directional gyro on the left and the attitude gyro on the right, with controls as follows:

1. "Turn On" knob: Bottom left below the directional gyro.

2. "Gyro Set" knob (correct for drift): Bottom center below the directional gyro

3. "Heading-to-Hold" knob: Top right above the directional gyro

4. "Cage/Uncage" knob: Bottom center below the attitude gyro

5. "Attitude Reference" knob (to set horizon): Bottom center below the attitude gyro

6. "Attitude-to-Hold": Top right above the attitude gyro

Note 1: Both heading and attitude are engaged byt the "Turn On" knob

(unless the attitude gyro is caged!)

Note 2: Setting the "Heading-to-Hold" via my Go-Flight MCP-PRO "Heading" knob

is virtually impossible! (This may or may not be related to the question at hand.)




5. "Attitude Reference" knob (to set horizon): Bottom center below the attitude gyro

6. "Attitude-to-Hold": Top right above the attitude gyro

Aha! There's the reason -- currently I don't look at "attitude hold" because it didn't work in FS9 or before. I'll add the check for that (and "vertical speed hold" which I don't think works, but maybe it might ...).

This change will be in the next incremental release, 4.218, probably tomorrow or Friday. Look for it in the FSX Downloads. I'll leave this to you for testing if I may (I'm a bit lost in the DC3), so please let me know.




Both heading and attitude are engaged byt the "Turn On" knob

(unless the attitude gyro is caged!)

I've now checked this. The "Attitude Hold" mode isn't turned on at all. I can't find any way to detect the DC3's attitude hold mode. The only A/P detection I can see if A/P master and Heading Hold, both operating together with the "on/off" switch.

I think the only way for you to operate the trim disconnection is to program a button or key to do it. In fact you could, by editing the INI file, combine switching the AP with disconnecting the trim axis. Just have multiple assignments to the same button or keypress (you can't do that without altering the INI).

The control to use to do it by a button or keypress will be one of

Offset Byte ToggleBits (to toggle)

or Offset Byte SetBits (to disconnect trim)

or Offset Byte ClrBits (to reconnect trim)

with the Offset set to x310A and the Parameter set to 32 (0r x20).




Any suggestions on how to do this for the GoFlight MCPPRO without having to replace the MCPPROs entire functionality via FSUIPC?

Can't you program it in FSUIPC at the same time as having the original action in GF's software, or doesn't that work? Sorry, I have no GF stuff now so I don't know. Normally it is up to the user to make sure he's not assigning stuff twice. In this case you actually want to.


program it in FSUIPC at the same time as having the original action in GF's software

Thanks, Pete, that´s the suggestion I was looking for! :D



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