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Got Autosave installed with FS9.1 and used it for many a year without any problems with a registered version of FSUIPC.

A few days ago, I needed to restart FS with a Autosave file and it refused, saying the file is either corrupt or cannot be found.

Well, the files are in the correct place as I started it from the required directory.

I have replaced the .DLL file a few times, thinking it might be corrupt.

It is the version dated 29-12-2004.

Hope you can give me some advise on this problem.



A few days ago, I needed to restart FS with a Autosave file and it refused, saying the file is either corrupt or cannot be found. Well, the files are in the correct place as I started it from the required directory.

Well, something is wrong with the file. Maybe it got corrupted or something? There are at least two files saved - a FLT file and a WX file. The latter contains the weather and it is in binary, so impossible for you to check. I'd delete it if I were you and try again. The FLT file is easy enough to check as it is a text file.

I have replaced the .DLL file a few times, thinking it might be corrupt.

what "AutoSave.DLL"? AutoSave is not involved in loading any files at all, and it doesn't even save them -- all it does is call the FS save facility, the same as you pressing the ";" key and entering a name. It just enters the name for you, nothing more.

My advice is just delete the bad FLT + WX files and move on. Maybe you had some sort of hardware glitch when they were saved.



A few days ago, I needed to restart FS with a Autosave file and it refused, saying the file is either corrupt or cannot be found. Well, the files are in the correct place as I started it from the required directory.

Well, something is wrong with the file. Maybe it got corrupted or something? There are at least two files saved - a FLT file and a WX file. The latter contains the weather and it is in binary, so impossible for you to check. I'd delete it if I were you and try again. The FLT file is easy enough to check as it is a text file.

I have replaced the .DLL file a few times, thinking it might be corrupt.

what "AutoSave.DLL"? AutoSave is not involved in loading any files at all, and it doesn't even save them -- all it does is call the FS save facility, the same as you pressing the ";" key and entering a name. It just enters the name for you, nothing more.

My advice is just delete the bad FLT + WX files and move on. Maybe you had some sort of hardware glitch when they were saved.


Thank you for the fast response.

Deleted all the files as suggested and even used a FLT file from 2 years ago from my backup and the response is identical.

Well, I doubt it's the Autosave feature or any of the FLT files.

It could be FS itself, not reading the file correctly, if thats possible. But, how to solve this issue if it is FS as it works perfectly otherwise, as far as I can see. Any settings I could look out for within FS?




Deleted all the files as suggested and even used a FLT file from 2 years ago from my backup and the response is identical.

Sorry, let me get this clear. Your flight bsimulator will not load ANY flights at all? Or is it selective? Surely it must be loading a flight to start with, else what is it starting out doing?

If you create a new flight, does it reload that okay? If you save a flight using ";" does it save one which reloads okay? That is all AutoSave is doing, using the ";" facility.

You need to try to narrow it down by trial and error. What flights does it like, what flights doesn't it like? If it likes none, what is it doing when you first start it up?



Deleted all the files as suggested and even used a FLT file from 2 years ago from my backup and the response is identical.

Sorry, let me get this clear. Your flight bsimulator will not load ANY flights at all? Or is it selective? Surely it must be loading a flight to start with, else what is it starting out doing?

If you create a new flight, does it reload that okay? If you save a flight using ";" does it save one which reloads okay? That is all AutoSave is doing, using the ";" facility.

You need to try to narrow it down by trial and error. What flights does it like, what flights doesn't it like? If it likes none, what is it doing when you first start it up?


Managed to fix the problem.

For the umteen time, deleted all the files and started FS from scratch. (Not a reinstall of FS). Checked to see which files where written to the drive and all is as it should be every minute or so.

Exit FS and started with one of the saved Autosave files and voila, worked.

I did nothing which should have been different as I tried this how many times before I even wrote the first message her, but it works again and thats the important part. ;-)

Thanks a lot for your help.



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