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This is good news. I had the same kind of CTD from 4.234 on, but haven't had the time Al has to isolate.

As soon as I'm done with the SIDSTAR Cycle 0802 upgrades I'll rejoin the testing.

Looking forward to it.

I also curiously noted, that WeatherSet2 seldom reported any cloud layers although cloud-layers popped in and out of the scene as the sim progressed. This was true on v4.235 as well, being the first time I had used this utilitiy.

WeatherSet2 in its default setting (with no ICAO code shown in the top right section) shows what FSX reports as the weather AT the aircraft. When you are in an location with close WX stations around and about, you will often see clouds, even all around you, but FSX's interpolation doesn't always show them at your actual position. I know , it is extremely confusing (and annoying).

As far as I recall, cloud reports in a METAR refer to clouds in view within a 5 mile radius. Or is it more? I am not sure FSX obeys the rule, whatever it is, properly, though it is very difficult to judge how far away the ones you can see are. The only time you can be SURE you have clouds at your exact location is when you can't see anything because of them. Actually, even then, they may just be very thick and prett close.

I suppose a top down or straight down view would tell you. Not sure.

You can ask WeatherSet2 to display the weather for any WX station -- just put the cursor on the left-most field in the top-right section and press Enter. You can provide an ICAO ID of an WX station (not an airport which isn't also a WX station), or a Lat/Lon for interpolated weather anywhere.

To go back to the aircraft location, just do the same but enter nothing. For "GLOBal" weather (the setting that would be used to populate WX stations with no METAR received), use the fictitious ICAO "GLOB".



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