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at FSX startup.

See the picture i made.


I hope you can see anythin on the picture. FSX + FSX Acceleration. Same error at FSUIPC4.20 before.

Dos anyone know, what the problem is or what i can do to runn FSUIPC at this configuration?


at FSX startup.

See the picture i made.


I hope you can see anythin on the picture. FSX + FSX Acceleration. Same error at FSUIPC4.20 before.

Why didn't you report it with version 4.20 then? How would you expect anything to change just by waiting?

It looks like the signature on the program is not checking out correctly.

Please read the User Guide section entitled Next … running FSX. But read this first: first. The message I would have thought you'd be getting is shown there, the one saying "The publisher could not be verified ...", but yours is a similar sort of error. I thought the one you are getting only occurred on completely unsigned code.

There are two things I'd ask you to do. First, find the Install log, which should be in the FSX Modules folder. It is an ordinary text file. Paste it into a message here.

Next, in Explorer, locate FSUIPC4.DLL in the FSX Modules folder, right-click on it, select Properties. There should be a tab called "Digital Signatures". If there isn't you have a severely corrupted version. Download a fresh copy and try again. If there is such a tab, click it and check the signature is okay. You'll need to select "Peter L. Dowson" then press "Details", and it should then say "Digital Signature Information. This digital signature is OK.".

If it doesn't, then one possibility is that you've actually rejected my software before when being asked, and my name as a publisher is now catalogued in your system as being untrustworthy. You can fix that in Internet Explorer. Go to Tools–Internet Options–Content–Publishers–Untrusted Publishers, select the Peter L. Dowson entry and Remove it.

If it doesn't help, then either you have some lesser corruption in the file (even a single bit wrong will do this), or the signature checking mechanisms in your PC aren't working. Maybe you have some essential Windows services stopped (Cryptographic is one such), or the GlobalSign certificate is missing. There's a Globalfix file for that, but if this is the problem it will be the first I've heard of in a system capable of running FSX.




*You'll need to select "Peter L. Dowson" then press "Details", and it should then say "Digital Signature Information. This digital signature is OK.".*

Thast okay too, i checked.


I am sorry for the trouble, i try to understand all you write ( iam german ) and i hope, i do the right, and what you mean, i must do.

next picture:


Signature is accepted and trusted.

*Does an FSUIPC4.LOG file appear in the FSX Modules folder at all?*

at the left side in the picture on top you can see all files from the fsuipc4. i think, thats all who are needed...


Signature is accepted and trusted.

I can see it says the signature is good, but does it really say trusted there too? It certainly doesn't in the English version. Why don't you go and check in Internet Explorer as I asked?

at the left side in the picture on top you can see all files from the fsuipc4. i think, thats all who are needed...

Sorry, I cannot see if there is an FSUIPC4.LOG file -- take a look. Can you not just say "yes" or "no", please, rather than show pictures? It is quite important to know. If there is a Log, please show it to me, paste it onto a message.

I do see that you have FSCopilot.dll there. Can you temporarily remove that and try again too, please.



*Why don't you go and check in Internet Explorer as I asked?*

I check it in explorer and make the picture.

*I do see that you have FSCopilot.dll there. Can you temporarily remove that and try again too, please.*

I remove and try again, same problem.

*Sorry, I cannot see if there is an FSUIPC4.LOG file -- take a look. Can you not just say "yes" or "no", please, rather than show pictures?*

Iam sorry, my english is not good enough, i missunderstod. FSUIPC4.LOG isnt in the modules folder.

*Why don't you go and check in Internet Explorer as I asked?*

I check it in explorer and make the picture.

No, please don't make another picture. And not in "Explorer" in "Internet Explorer" -- go to the options section I already told you about. Please read this part again (I sent this a few messages before):

"If it doesn't, then one possibility is that you've actually rejected my software before when being asked, and my name as a publisher is now catalogued in your system as being untrustworthy. You can fix that in Internet Explorer. Go to Tools–Internet Options–Content–Publishers–Untrusted Publishers, select the Peter L. Dowson entry and Remove it."

FSUIPC4.LOG isnt in the modules folder.

Okay. So FSUIPC4 is never getting to run at all. I can only think you have the system set to mistrust my software. I am not aware of anything else which can do this.




okay, i find it out in the internetexplorer and remove you from the list, then i start the fsx and give you trust for all programms.

But the FSX break the startup. Then i tryid out with a brand new and clean FSX installation, same, break the startup.

It may be that i have more trouble i think before, that your fsuipc was stopped by any other programm, but i dont know, which one it can be.

I am sorry, and i thank you for your time to help me with the problem.

okay, i find it out in the internetexplorer and remove you from the list, then i start the fsx and give you trust for all programms.

Aha! Some progress.

At some time you must have told Windows not to trust me! How naughty!

But the FSX break the startup. Then i tryid out with a brand new and clean FSX installation, same, break the startup.

Can you explain what you mean by "break the startup"? What actually happens?

It may be that i have more trouble i think before, that your fsuipc was stopped by any other programm, but i dont know, which one it can be.

Okay. Try renaming the DLL.XML file. It will be in the same folder as your FSX.CFG file -- the path is actually shown in the FSUIPC Install Log, so I could tell you exactly if you showed me that. Or look for it yourself. It will be in a line saying:

Found FSX.CFG in "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG"!

The part in bold is the path you need. Rename DLL.XML to something else, re-run the FSUIPC Installer.

If FSX now loads then something in your DLL.XML file is causing SimConnect to load a module which is giving trouble. Show me the old DLL.XML file - it is only an ordinary text file, you can paste it in here.




the old dll.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>











Object Placement Tool



..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Mission Creation Kit\object_placement.dll


Traffic Toolbox



..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Traffic Toolbox SDK\traffictoolbox.dll


Visual Effects Tool



..\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\Special Effects SDK\visualfxtool.dll





*Can you explain what you mean by "break the startup"? What actually happens?*

okay, i will try to tell what happens in english.

When you sart the FSX you have a litte blue FSX window " Microsoft Flight Simulator X". In front of this window FSX show miniwindows at scenery changes and so on. First start after FSUIPC install, i told FSX, that the programm ask everey startup for the FSUIPC for trusting. Thats the first screen i showed. When i told fsx, that i trust your programms, this error window wasnt show. but, FSX ends is startup and go back to desktop. At this errorwindow in my first post, i klick NO for loading FSUIPC, the fsx starts normaly( because the FSUIPC.dll wasnt load), when i klick YES to startup with FSUIPC, there come the same break, fsx dont start and iam back at the desktop.

it is posible, that i have one of the first fsx acceleration packs, which make some problems with fsuipc.dll?


and the new dll.xml after renaming, fsuipc reinstall and restart

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?>










but, error window too, fsx dont start with fsuipc.dll and go back to desktop.

i will try a new and pure FSX isntall on an other PC and try again.


that the programm ask everey startup for the FSUIPC for trusting. Thats the first screen i showed. When i told fsx, that i trust your programms, this error window wasnt show. but, FSX ends is startup and go back to desktop. At this errorwindow in my first post, i klick NO for loading FSUIPC, the fsx starts normaly( because the FSUIPC.dll wasnt load), when i klick YES to startup with FSUIPC, there come the same break, fsx dont start and iam back at the desktop.

You shouldn't be getting a prompt to trust FSUIPC every time!

it is posible, that i have one of the first fsx acceleration packs, which make some problems with fsuipc.dll?

No. I Beta tested with FSX acceleration so i had it installed before release, and it has worked fine ever since.

I think you have a bad installation of SimConnect. Please see the FSX Help announcement above.



i have a simconnect.dll in thet folder:


is that enough or is more needed?

i have a simconnect.dll in thet folder:


is that enough or is more needed?

That is the original release. There would be another similar folder for SP1, and yest another for SP2/Acceleration.

If you only have the original release of FSX, no updates, then there is a problem in SimConnect which can cause a crash on start up when there are two or more modules to be loaded. Best to move to SP1 at least.




okay, i have three different simconnect folders, in every folder there is the simconnect.dll. i think it must be for the FSX, FSX SP1 and FSX Acceleration, i understand you right?

Now i try a new installation again and will see how it works, or not, but i hope...

update: FSX installed, only FSX and FSUIPC 4.25. but nothing... FSX dont go to the Menue, i was sent back to desktop.

Simconnect was installed to, i locked for the folder and the folder is okay and right.

I have no ideas what is wrong now with my FSX installation.

okay, i have three different simconnect folders, in every folder there is the simconnect.dll. i think it must be for the FSX, FSX SP1 and FSX Acceleration, i understand you right?


Now i try a new installation again and will see how it works, or not, but i hope...

update: FSX installed, only FSX and FSUIPC 4.25. but nothing... FSX dont go to the Menue, i was sent back to desktop.

Simconnect was installed to, i locked for the folder and the folder is okay and right.

I have no ideas what is wrong now with my FSX installation.

Unfortunately, re-installation does not re-install SimConnect unless you first delete those three folders. So if there is some sort of SimConnect problem, it won't be fixed unless you do that.




Okay Pete,

i do it so:

i deinstall FSX, i delete all folders, there no folder more with any FSX files or prgramms, ni simconnect or any other. Then i install FSX and run it, FSX is running. Then i install FSUIPC and start FSX again. i klick yes to all questions for FSUIPC and: nothing. The menue dont come and i am back at the desktop.

I thank you for your patience with me, but i give up. I dont see any chance to get fsuipc running on my system. I read this thread again and again and think, i do all you write to me.

Thanks a lot for your help.


mhhhh is it necessary, that i use the standard path for the fsx, or is it equal which path i take?

my install path is : I:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X

mhhhh is it necessary, that i use the standard path for the fsx, or is it equal which path i take?

No, although it makes for really bad third party add-on problems if you install it into the default (Program Files) on Vista, because Vista stops programs without elevated Administrator privileges writing to any Program Files folder. FSUIPC4's installer gets around that for itself by making the Modules folder read/write accessible to all.

my install path is : I:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X

That's a much better path than "C:\Program Files\ .....". All my FS installations are even more nicely installed, in folders like E:\FSX, D:\FS9 and so on. nice and short! Much easier to deal with.




i deinstall FSX, i delete all folders, there no folder more with any FSX files or prgramms, ni simconnect or any other.

Does that include the entire folder where the FSX.CFG file is situated? That's important. Also the My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files folder?

Then i install FSX and run it, FSX is running. Then i install FSUIPC and start FSX again. i klick yes to all questions for FSUIPC and: nothing.

Why are you having to click ANY questions at all about FSUIPC? Those should NEVER occur again if you have told the system that you trust me as a Publisher, as described in the FSUIPC4 User Guide? Once you have said "yes", you trust me, you will never be asked again.

It really does sound as if you have something badly screwed up in Windows. I'm sorry, but I've no idea what it could be. I've never heard of anything like it before. I can only refer you to Microsoft support. Sorry.



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