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Being someone who strives for realism, as I'm sure the majority of this forum are, I'd like to request a *feature* for FSUIPC, specifically wind smoothing. The current function of limiting the amount of wind changes per second is great for when you are >24000 feet, mainly in cruise; but when you're <24000 it's unrealistic to be restricing the wind, because then you won't experience wind shear, and generally changes in the wind as realistic as you do in the real world. Is it possible for you to create a seperate function (where you have the smooth only when airbourne) to have an altitude box there to select above what altitude to smooth wind, and also possibly have the possibility of turning it off or on altogether.

Many thanks, Luke Harvest


So why turn off windsmoothing below FL24 then, FSX makes a mess of the weather no matter what altitude you are at and Peters rendition of variance and turbulence is far better than that supplied by FSX.

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