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Hello M. Dowson,

Having read many topics on this forum other ones (Hifi forum, wideview forum) regarding how to use a 3rd party weather programm on my system, here the observations:

my system:

pc1: msfs 2004 server, registered fsiupc wide fs server wideview server: main view FS Copilot

pc2: msfs 2004 wideview client: foward left and left view

pc3: msfs 2004wideview client: foward right and right view

pc4: wide fs Project Magenta Glass Cockpit: Capt side + ecas

pc5: wide fs + Project Magenta CDU + MCP + Fsinn

pc6: wide fs + Project Magenta PM System + PM sounds

i always fly online (vatsim) with real meteo in real time

1-i did try Active Sky but with only one version installed on a remote Pc, weather synchro is catastrophic (the only valuable solution found on some forums is to have a registered version on each pc running msfs2004)

2-i did try FS Méteo but unable to get the same weather (on wideview pc's i lost clouds and there was a significant wind direction change with an increase in altitude)

3-but using the FSInn weather option, although less realistic (especially for th altitide winds) everything is working quite well: wind and clouds are synchro and always able to refesh meteo

Why weather synchro is possible with FSinn Weather but not with the two others softwares ?

Note: with either FS Meteo or AS, the anomaly are the same on both wideview clients (the same variations appear on both pc's)




1-i did try Active Sky but with only one version installed on a remote Pc, weather synchro is catastrophic (the only valuable solution found on some forums is to have a registered version on each pc running msfs2004)

Yes. That makes sense because I think WidevieW struggles to get the weather identical in each copy of FS9 -- the problem arises because FS9 weather is dynamic, and localised, even when set globally. I think WidevieW should be able to do a better job on FSX where the global weather can be enforced -- but then there are other problems on FSX, like less control over cloud types and thickness.

... using the FSInn weather option, although less realistic (especially for th altitide winds) everything is working quite well: wind and clouds are synchro and always able to refesh meteo

Is FSInn feeding every PC, like having several copies of ActiveSky?

Why weather synchro is possible with FSinn Weather but not with the two others softwares ?

No idea. I don't know what FSInn is doing. Sorry. This is really not related to any program of mine, except insofar as the weather data being passed to FS9 via FSUIPC. Does FSInn do something of its own, not using FSUIPC?





Is FSInn feeding every PC, like having several copies of ActiveSky? No, dual installation if you want to operate from a remote computer (my set up) no installation required on pc's running wideview client

I don't think Fsinn use Fsiupc ( i will verify)

I forgot to mention that i did try either FSmeteo and AS without fsinn and i got the sames problems.



hello again

i did verify and no, the programm doesn't use FSIUPC at all.

they also notify that their weather pogramm use a global weather sent to FS who adapt it in function of the position of the airplane instead of sending local weather.



i did verify and no, the programm doesn't use FSIUPC at all.

they also notify that their weather pogramm use a global weather sent to FS who adapt it in function of the position of the airplane instead of sending local weather.

Okay. Sounds like they use the FS weather download facility.

Why do you want to use ActiveSky or FSMeteo instead when you get what you want already with FSInn?




hello M. Dowson,

Why do you want to use ActiveSky or FSMeteo instead when you get what you want already with FSInn?

Because these two programms have more realistic meteo !!! (high altitudes winds and meteo that correspond better to the real meteo (i compare to the real meteo from Nav Canada.

so when it's work it is amazing :)



Because these two programms have more realistic meteo !!! (high altitudes winds and meteo that correspond better to the real meteo (i compare to the real meteo from Nav Canada.

so when it's work it is amazing :)

You'll need to find out how to make them work like FSInn does then, or get FSInn to improve their weather settings. I really don't know how to help further. Maybe, if all FSInn is doing is setting global weather, no local weather stations at all, the older, FS2002 versions of FSMeteo or ActiveSky (before they were changed to set localised weather stations) will do what you want better. However, I still don't believe global weather can be sustained in FS2002 for long unless it is continually reset (cleared and reinstated). I don't know how FSInn does that without you noticing.



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