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FSUIPC 3.80 Registering Problem

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Recently had to reformat my hard-disk, subsequently reloading all sw programs. :(

All reinstalled programs work OK except the new 3.80 ver of FSUIPC and the WIDE FS 6.75 loaded on the computer, I can not re-register neighter programs. The registration menue is grayed out and does not allow me to enter my registration numbers.

Prior to my recent predicament previous ver (3.75 & 6.75) of the programs worked perfect. :D

Please help as I'm eager to get back into action with WideFS and FSUIPC funtions.

Thanks, Emil

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The registration menue is grayed out and does not allow me to enter my registration numbers.

Isn't there a message in the title bar telling you why? It sounds like you are not running as an Administrator. Please check the documentation.



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Thanks for your prompt reply.

After starting FS9, Modules, click on FSUIPC, trhe following message box appears


"The FSUIPC.DLL code does not verify.

Please check that the Criptographic Services are running, or try aplying the supplied Global Sign Root Fix.

You will need to restart FS". (sorry but I do not know what all that means)

Click OK, reverts to the FSUIPC registration, however, all grayed out.

Also it tells me that WideFS needs to be registered first.

Thanks, Emil

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After starting FS9, Modules, click on FSUIPC, trhe following message box appears


"The FSUIPC.DLL code does not verify.

Please check that the Criptographic Services are running, or try aplying the supplied Global Sign Root Fix.

You will need to restart FS". (sorry but I do not know what all that means)

It means the the code signature placed on FSUIPC for security against corruption does not check out. Either the DLL is corrupted, or virus-ridden, or something is missing in your system needed for the check.

The helpful part saying "Try applying the supplied Global SignRoot Fix." is actually normal everyday English, and it means that you should try applying the supplied Globalsign Root fix. "Supplied" here means that it is actually included in the ZIP file you downloaded, the one containing the FSUIPC.DLL. Did you not even bother to look?

This is documented in the FSUIPC User Guide, also in English. Please take a moment to look at it. It would save us both time and frustration. The relevant part is in a Box labelled "IMPORTANT" right at the begining of the section on "Installation". I do write this stuff for a reason, you know. :-(



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