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I had this running before having to do a major re-install and I now can not get Fsupic4 to install. I copy the install log below. I have SP2 and the SDK SP 2 installed and simconnect is the latest version.

[*]Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.26

Looking in registry for FSX install path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0



Checking version of FSX.EXE:

... Version 10.0.61472.0 (Need at least 10.0.60905.0)

Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:

... Probe Manifest fails to match a valid base SimConnect needed to load FSUIPC4!

I can't see what the problem is.

Help please.



Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:

... Probe Manifest fails to match a valid base SimConnect needed to load FSUIPC4!

I can't see what the problem is.

You appear to have lost SimConnect, which is needed to load and run FSUIPC and most other add-ons for FSX.

Please see the FSX Help announcement above. You need to reinstall/repair SimConnect.





Simconnect IS running, I have it on screen and the Tools bar in FSX that is why I am confused. I have downloaded 4.26 with the same result. All programs are being run from the main drive. I have administrator rights.




Simconnect IS running

Where's the full Install log showing it, then?

There are three versions of SimConnect -- RTM, SP1 and SP2. You should always have the RTM one istalled, as this is the only one guaranteed to be there (it is installed with FSX from the DVD), and it is needed to run FSUIPC4 -- and many other Add-Ons.

The tools are different. The tools for RTM are loaded by RTM's SimConnect, The tools for SP1 by SP1's SimConnect and so on. There are different versions of the tools for each, and you have to have the right ones.

I cannot afford such complications for FSUIPC. It would multiply the support load threefold. There is one current version of FSUIPC4 at any time. It is loaded by the RTM SimConnect (the only one that should, in a correct installation ALWAYS be there), and then it changes to the latest version it can find.

Please refer to the FSX Help announcement and try to repair the RTM SimConnect as it says.




Hi Pete

Thanks the install worked however there must have been another problem as FSX wouldn't load afterwards or after removing 4.26 so I went for another re install, yet to see if it's OK. The advice sorting it was very clear.


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