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Hi Peter,

I have a problem since some 3 weeks which I have been unable to fix and believe me I have tried everything..

I run FS2004 on a stand alone PC and have 6 clients, one of the clients run Project Magenta's MCP, PM sounds, CP flight MCP hardware and Squawk Box.

Since a few weeks suddenly with no reason at all, the second I press the PTT (button 2 on my flight yoke, connected to the main FS2004 machine) it instantly triggers a Squawk box Error (I hear the "buzz" sound like we get when trying to press PTT on a non tuned com frequency) and then SB closes.. it states that an error log is being created but i have not been able to find this log file anywhere.

I have tried to reinstall SB on both host and remote PC, reinstalled FSUIPC, reinstalled Wide Client/Server, reinstalled audio/video drivers on the client machine, tried to assign different commands than the PTT, tried to assign a different button on the yoke, etc. Regardless what I do the error is persistent 100% of the times.

Everything else running on the client PC is unaffected.

As the only link between the two is via wide client I assume this is linked to FSUIPC? What I cannot grasp is that a key press on one PC will actually result in a program error being generated on a client PC..

Any help would be very welcome indeed, if you wish to get log files etc, then mail me at p.nielsen@terra.es and we can take it from there.




As the only link between the two is via wide client I assume this is linked to FSUIPC? What I cannot grasp is that a key press on one PC will actually result in a program error being generated on a client PC..

I'm afraid this is going to need someone from the Squawkbox development or support area to look at. There's really nothing I could do -- I know nothing about that program at all and have never used it I'm afraid. Any crash in any program outside of FSUIPC or WideFS does really need sorting out by the responsible party.

It may well be that it is getting incorrect data through WideFS or FSUIPC, but I wouldn't know what data it is looking for or why it would consider it incorrect -- and especially not why it would consider it so incorrect it would actually crash. That sounds like an error path not previously tested!

Certainly I can help them obtain whatever extra data they may need, and they in turn might come back to me for clarification or a change in FSUIPC, though why that should occur now after so long these programs have been used seems rather odd. But my problem at this stage is that I have no idea what they might be stumbling over so I wouldn't know where to start looking.




Ok Peter,

I will post on the SB support forum and lets see what they say.

just to clarify one thing, i did also test by simply installing Sb on the same PC as FS2004 and on the one to which the yoke is connected and then all worked ok incl the PTT?

Still would like to send you the wide client log files as they seem to contain a few errors..




just to clarify one thing, i did also test by simply installing Sb on the same PC as FS2004 and on the one to which the yoke is connected and then all worked ok incl the PTT?

Ah. Then how are you programming the PTT? It is unlikely to be the same locally and with WideFS! Please describe both.

Still would like to send you the wide client log files as they seem to contain a few errors..

You don't want errors in the WideFS logs -- that certainly sounds like you have something up with your Network.

If short enough, paste them here. WideServer too, please (both ends are always relevant). Otherwise send to petedowson@btconnect.com. But please do this pretty soon, I am on holiday after next week and at this rate it could take longer;-)



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