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i am new at this forum and with fsuipc, now i have a problem.

i was one of the first who have bought the saitek pro flight yoke.

the yoke has an own will and presses buttons while i do not want them to. and i do not press the button itself.

now i have contact the store where i bought it and they give me a solution, but i dont know how to do it.

here is the solution they give me:

User who have a program called "FSUIPC" can adjust the temporal button press to a half a second for example, so that the random button press which is triggered by the Yoke, does not affect the game, because the temporal period of the Yoke trigger is only a couple of milliseconds.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanking in advance,

Rick Winkelman


User who have a program called "FSUIPC" can adjust the temporal button press to a half a second for example, so that the random button press which is triggered by the Yoke, does not affect the game, because the temporal period of the Yoke trigger is only a couple of milliseconds.

Does anyone know how to do this?

I don't know what is meant by "temporal button press", not where to set half a second but I suspect this may be referring to the "Eliminate Transients" facility, for buttons programmed via FSUIPC. It is documented in the Buttons section of the FSUIPC User Guide, as follows:

EliminateTransients: This can be added, and set to ‘Yes’, to eliminate short (transient) button press indications. This is intended to help deal with some devices which create occasional spurious button press signals. It operates only with locally-connected joysticks (but not EPIC or GoFlight devices).

Note that enabling this option may mean you have to consciously press buttons for slightly longer. It depends on the PollInterval (below). A “transient” button indication is one which only exists for one poll, so a real press would have to last up to 50 mSecs (twice the default poll interval) to be sure of being seen (more, allowing for variations in the polling due to processor/FS activity). You may find you need to adjust the PollInterval.

The parameter has to go into the [buttons] section of the FSUIPC.INI file.

Later versions of the Saitek yoke fixed this problem I believe.



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