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I recently uninstalled and reinstalled FSX and all addons after I could not figer out why on two engine planes (jet or prop) one engine would be stuck in reverse with anything less than half throttle power up, and on four engine planes it would be three engines that would be stuck. On first run everything worked fine as soon as I installed FSUIPC4 the problem would come back. When I uninstall it the planes will act fine. Can any one help me sort this out please.


I'd check your FSUIPC ini file if I were you. Uninstalling FSUIPC may not remove the INI (if you re-install you may want to keep your old settings). If that's the case you may find an old, rogue entry you've long forgetten about is giving you problems. Open the INI file (in the modules directory of FSX) and have a good look for anything that looks supicisouly like Reverser or Throttle settings/assignments and chop them out.


I really can't emphasise that enough (and I've tried!). Before you make any changes to files you should always take a copy of the original and put it somewhere safe. Believe me you'll be glad you did if it all goes wrong and you want to go back to the good old days when your only problem was a duff thrust reverser :P

Good luck!



Hi Ian, thanks for the reply. The thing is I have been looking in the modules folder and I can`t make out which one is the ini file. I have looked at the folder in all the view modes and still no luck. Maybe thats the problem I don`t have one in there? I don`t know. :(


YOu need to open Windows Explorer and go to the Tools/Folder Options menu. When the panel opens click the View tab and you'll see a load of check boxes. Scroll down and uncheck "Hide Extensions For Known File Types" and you should see the .ini file extension in Explorer.



Thank you Ian and Jim for your replies. I did find that INI. file and took it out with the trash. My FSX works fine now. I am very greatful. :D :D :D

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