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Hi Guys,

I'm trying to download WideFS from the official web page of Pete, for some reason after downloading I unzip the file and the wideclient.exe is missing. All the other relevant files are there except for that one.

I'm downloading the FS2004 version, can anyone help.

Thanks in adnvance.


I'm trying to download WideFS from the official web page of Pete, for some reason after downloading I unzip the file and the wideclient.exe is missing. All the other relevant files are there except for that one.

I'm downloading the FS2004 version, can anyone help.

The WideClient.exe file is most certainly present in the WideFS.zip on the www.schiratti.com/dowson page (of Enrico Schiratti, not "of Pete"). I have just double-checked this myself. Maybe you are not recognising it because you have windows hiding filetypes?

There is also no difference in the two WideFS 6.75 zip files presented there -- it is duplicated in both the FSX and FS2004 section precisely because there is no difference.

There is also an updated WideClient available in the Downloads announcements above.



Hmmm that's really weird since all other .exe files are showing. Is there anyway I can get these files in an unzipped format?

Not with EXE files. Most all email systems will filter them.

This is a first -- no one else has ever not actually been able to extract the EXE from the ZIP in the 11 years of WideFS! Are you also saying you cannot see the EXE in the ZIP of WideClient (only), in the downloads announcements above? If so there is something seriously wrong -- it sounds like you have a virus checking package which is interfering severely with your downloads and removing EXE files it doesn't like. Maybe it sees part of the binary as a virus, that has been known, yet all my modules and EXEs are codesigned and guaranteed secure and free or such infections.



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