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Dear mr. Dowson,

I often found myself wishing I could dispose of an easy and friendly way to associate the playback of sound files to the internal changing of bits/bytes values within MS-FS offsets, whose long list is already available for user control via key/button presses within FSUIPC ...

How likely is the chance that you think of expanding FSUIPC great usefulness in this direction ?

Thanks and regards,

Eugenio, Italy


I often found myself wishing I could dispose of an easy and friendly way to associate the playback of sound files to the internal changing of bits/bytes values within MS-FS offsets, whose long list is already available for user control via key/button presses within FSUIPC ...

How likely is the chance that you think of expanding FSUIPC great usefulness in this direction ?

Very unlikely as this is an excellent candidate for an add-on program, especially one which could be run on a separate PC via WideFS, as then different sounds can be routed to different parts of the cockpit (different speakers).

In fact there is already at least one program doing such things -- pmSounds from Project Magenta. I use that on two PCs at present.



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