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Installed version 4.30 last night, and shortly after launching my flight, FSX locked up solid (had to use Task Manager to kill it).

Was able to reproduce this several times.

Reapplying 4.294 resolved the issue.

Have you had any similar reports? If so, let me know what you need from me.

In the meantime, I will try deleting my fsuipc.ini file to see if something in there is causing the issue. I'll let you know.

- Bill

  MELKOR said:

Installed version 4.30 last night, and shortly after launching my flight, FSX locked up solid (had to use Task Manager to kill it).

Was able to reproduce this several times.

Reapplying 4.294 resolved the issue.

Really? How strange. Any partial log file to show?

Try removing your FSUIPC4.INI file, in case it is some joystick setting or assignment, or a button or something. Let me know -- if it seems to be an INI setting then

(a) let me see the file, and

(b) enable logging for the relevant areas -- i.e. buttons and axis events. You can do that by adding




to the [General] section of the INI file. That'll make sure we get information from the start.

Actually, another thought. If you run FSX in Windowed mode 9just for these tests), adding the line:


as well will provide a log in real time in a console window, on screen, so you can see what is happening 'live'. This might help in case the Log file is lost or incomplete when you have to terminate FSX. Just in case, select and copy the text from that window (I think it's a right-click on the title bar option to copy), so you can paste it into a message or text file for me.

Oh, one warning -- don't attempt to close the console window itself as that will certainly close FSX too. I don't know why, and I can't find any way to remove the close (X) icon top right.

© then it will be a matter or eliminating things one by one.

I'll need to know what other add-ins you have running too, just in case of adverse interaction somewhere.

Have you had any similar reports?

No, none.




Hi Pete, thanks for the detailed response.

I am still able to reproduce the issue at will, and after some experiments have some more detail.

1) Only occurs when in full-screen mode, and only after I go to a settings menu then back to the sim.

2) In fact it's not a "lockup" per-se - I can still control the sim, although the window is drawn completely black! Inputs have an effect, I just cannot see what is going on.

3) Going back to windowed mode does not cure the issue. "Once it starts drawing black, there is no going back". =)

4) Stopping, deleting my fsuipc4.ini, and restarting did not help - can still repro.

5) Does not seem to matter what airplane I select. Can repro with stock Cesena up to PMDG 747X.

I've attached a fsuipc.log (see below) with the log settings that you recommended. One interesting thing: Once I have repro'd the issue, I get the following line (sometimes multiple times, not sure what the correlation is) in the log file:

**** No SimConnect events or states being received! Re-connecting now****

What think you? For now, going back to 4.294 again so that I can fly VATSIM tomorrow. =)

- Bill

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.30 by Pete Dowson *********

Reading options from "D:\Games\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"

User Name="William Ruppel"

User Addr="wcruppel@rogers.com"

FSUIPC4 Key is provided

WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

Running inside FSX (SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07)

Module base=61000000

Wind smoothing fix is fully installed


62 System time = 01:38:22

62 FLT UNC path = "D:\Profile\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

62 FS UNC path = "D:\Games\FSX\"

1125 LogOptions=00000001

1125 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

3984 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61472.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)

3984 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

3984 FSUIPC Menu entry added

4062 D:\Profile\My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\CYKF.FLT

4062 D:\Games\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\C172\Cessna172SP.AIR

180125 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

180781 System time = 01:41:23, FSX time = 01:38:27 (05:38Z)

180906 Aircraft="Cessna Skyhawk 172SP Paint1"

207437 **** No SimConnect events or states being received! Re-connecting now****

207437 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

217562 **** No SimConnect events or states being received! Re-connecting now****

217562 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

227687 **** No SimConnect events or states being received! Re-connecting now****

227687 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

237781 **** No SimConnect events or states being received! Re-connecting now****

237781 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

  MELKOR said:

1) Only occurs when in full-screen mode, and only after I go to a settings menu then back to the sim.

2) In fact it's not a "lockup" per-se - I can still control the sim, although the window is drawn completely black! Inputs have an effect, I just cannot see what is going on.

3) Going back to windowed mode does not cure the issue. "Once it starts drawing black, there is no going back". =)

4) Stopping, deleting my fsuipc4.ini, and restarting did not help - can still repro.

5) Does not seem to matter what airplane I select. Can repro with stock Cesena up to PMDG 747X.

I've had problems like this, with and without FSUIPC, though with my latest video card and 64-bit drivers they seem to be fully fixed.

It is a problem between FSX and your video driver. It is nothing at all to do with FSUIPC, and any differences you do see with different versions of FSUIPC are merely down to slightly different timings or memory arrangements which that would cause. FSUIPC has nothing whatsoever to do with video modes or video displays and cannot interfere for good or bad. You've just been lucky before.

I can only suggest you look for later (or possibly earlier) video drivers, or try changing some of the video settings. Sometimes just small differences like in the filtering will fix it. And when it does happen, getting FSX to reset the video data does usually work, too -- i.e. go into the video settings (Options -Settings - Display) and making one change someplace, like to filtering or Anti-Aliassing, will often bring everything back on exit.




Hey Pete, just FYI: Everything is okay now.

None of the graphics-related suggestions helped, so I resorted to re-installing all of FSX + FSUIPC + other third party stuff.

Who knows, may have been due to a cosmic ray shooting through my hard drive. hehe :wink:

- Bill

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