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Hey Guys

Ever since i bought my CH Yoke and Pedals back in 04 i think, i have had a few problems.

And now its all come crashing down. So i need your help.

Basically the POV isnt working, nor are a couple of other buttons, and now i have FSUIPC the control surfices go mental, jumping around all over the place.

I dont know if this will have anything to do with it, but when im looking at the "Set, Rev" etc etc screen, the numbers arnt just still, they are flicking around??

Any ideas



Ever since i bought my CH Yoke and Pedals back in 04 i think, i have had a few problems.

And now its all come crashing down. So i need your help.

I don't have any CH gear, but have you checked the "FSUIPC Guide for CH Users", in the sticky thread above?

Basically the POV isnt working, nor are a couple of other buttons

Faulty, you mean? Contact CH, they are reputed to be very good at fixing things for folks, parts, etc.

...and now i have FSUIPC the control surfices go mental, jumping around all over the place.

Just getting FSUIPC doesn't do anything. You, the user, must have done something WITH FSUIPC to mess it up?

FSUIPC cannot fix broken hardware, so don't try to use it for your broken units. Contact CH about those.

If you've made a hash of settings in FSUIPC, simply delete the FSUIPC INI file, which you'l see in the FS Modules folder. Do this before running FS, then, when you run FS FSUIPC won't do anything at all with your yoke or pedals.

I dont know if this will have anything to do with it, but when im looking at the "Set, Rev" etc etc screen, the numbers arnt just still, they are flicking around??

If the numbers from the units change a lot all on their own, without you touching them, either they are faulty, or your USB ports or motherboard are.

I attach a program from Logitech called "DIVIEW". Just run that and watch what your units are doing. You can select what to display in Edit-settings.




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