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Hello Pete, I'm a complete novice so bear with me. I have vista home premium 32 bit SP1 and running FSX. I bought a program REALATIS which required a registered copy of FSUIPC4 which I purchased. I installed it and registered it but it never showed up in the addon menu. I believe it loaded simconnect but stated version mismatch code 0. ps. I recently purchased FS Discover and that is in the addon menu and was wondering if that program was blocking FSUIPC4. Kind Regards, Bob.

Hello Pete, I'm a complete novice so bear with me. I have vista home premium 32 bit SP1 and running FSX. I bought a program REALATIS which required a registered copy of FSUIPC4 which I purchased. I installed it and registered it but it never showed up in the addon menu. I believe it loaded simconnect but stated version mismatch code 0. ps. I recently purchased FS Discover and that is in the addon menu and was wondering if that program was blocking FSUIPC4. Kind Regards, Bob.

I never heard of "version mismatch code 0". My error messages are much more verbose, and they are all logged during installation.

I need therefore to see the FSUIPC4 install log, which you'll find in the FSX Modules folder. If there's another FSUIPC4 log file, show me that too, but that sounds a little unlikely.




Installer for FSUIPC4.DLL version 4.30

Looking in registry for FSX install path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0


SetupPath="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X"

Checking version of FSX.EXE:

... Version 10.0.60905.0 (Need at least 10.0.60905.0)

Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:

... Okay, Probe Manifest matches installed SimConnect 60905 (Original)

Found later build SimConnect 61242 (SP1 May07)

Checking if there's already a version of FSUIPC4 installed in:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL

... Version 4.300 found.

FSX Modules folder already exists.

Okay -- installed FSUIPC4 into "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.DLL"

Looking for the current user's Application Data path:

... found as "C:\Users\Bobby\AppData\Roaming"

Now finding \Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG for all users, including this one

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\AppData\Roaming"

Found FSX.CFG in "C:\Users\Bobby\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\FSX.CFG"!

Now checking DLL.XML ...

... There is a previous DLL.XML, checking for FSUIPC4 section.

... FSUIPC4 section already exists but will be replaced.

... FSUIPC4 section of DLL.XML written okay

Now checking for a SimConnect.XML file ...

... No SimConnect.XML file found. This is okay.

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Application Data\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\CD95F661A5C444F5A6AAECDD91C240B6.TMP\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Contacts\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Cookies\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Desktop\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Documents\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\f1download\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Favorites\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\FS2CrewAirbusCFG\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Links\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Local Settings\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Music\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\My Documents\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\NetHood\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Pictures\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\PrintHood\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Recent\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\robert_mcneil-fs2c2c-a320f\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Saved Games\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Searches\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\SendTo\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Start Menu\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Templates\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\Videos\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\{13d87e68-d87a-4122-8964-ca4cee3a6896}\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Looking in "C:\Users\Bobby\{b74004be-2b3f-4251-b321-3f79c6e82365}\Roaming"

No FSX.CFG there

Now installing additional files into the Modules folder:

Installed "FSUIPC4 User Guide.pdf" okay

Installed "FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users.pdf" okay

Installed "FSUIPC4 History.pdf" okay

Installed "List of FSX controls.pdf" okay

Installed "GlobalSign Root.exe" okay

FSUIPC4.DLL installed and signature checked out okay!

Deleted GlobalSign Root fix programno longer relevant

All installer tasks completed okay!

Registration for FSUIPC4 was successful! (result code 00)

*************** End of Install Log ***************

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.30 by Pete Dowson *********

Reading options from "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini"

NOTE: SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07 is supported, but it isn't installed.

User Name="Robert McNeil"

User Addr="goodfriend1@cox.net"

FSUIPC4 Key is provided

WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

Running inside FSX on Windows Vista (SimConnect SP1 May07)

Module base=61000000

Wind smoothing fix is fully installed


109 System time = 17:39:53

609 FLT UNC path = "\\BOBBY-PC\Users\Bobby\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

609 FS UNC path = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

1857 LogOptions=00000001

1857 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

10421 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 0, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect!

10421 Trying another version of SimConnect ...

10515 Now running with SimConnect Original

10515 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

10515 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 0, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect!

10515 Trying another version of SimConnect ...

10624 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities

25647 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

25647 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

40685 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

40685 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

55708 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

55708 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

70918 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

70918 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

85941 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

85941 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

100980 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

100980 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

116034 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

116034 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

131057 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

131057 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

146111 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

146111 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

161134 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

161134 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

176188 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

176188 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

191211 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

191211 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

208152 System time = 17:43:21

208152 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Memory managed: 2 Allocs, 2 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********


Checking compatibility with installed SimConnect:

... Okay, Probe Manifest matches installed SimConnect 60905 (Original)

Found later build SimConnect 61242 (SP1 May07)

Those two lines show that your SimConnect installation is okay. You have SP1 installed, but not SP2 or Acceleration, correct?

I would strongly advise you to download and install the SP2 update for FSX, as it fixes quite a lot of things and makes SimConnect work much more efficiently.

The fact that the FSUIPC4 log is produced is good. It means SimConnect is properly loading FSUIPC4, but then it goes wrong:

1857 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

10421 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 0, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect!

10421 Trying another version of SimConnect ...

10515 Now running with SimConnect Original

10515 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

10515 Exception 5 "VERSION_MISMATCH", Ref 0, Version 0.60905: Open: SimConnect Version incorrect!

10515 Trying another version of SimConnect ...

10624 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities

25647 **** Retrying SimConnect connection****

25647 Could not link to all needed SimConnect facilities [code 0]

... etc

which is a bit of a calamity. I honestly don't know why SimConnect is returning this error, both when trying to connect to the SP1 version and the original version. I know it can happen if another copy of "SimConnect.dll" is installed somewhere other than in the Windows\WinSxS folders. Can you check and make sure such a file is not in the FSX Modules folder, or in the folder of any other add-on you have installed? If you find it that could well be the reason. It should be deleted.

If you can find nothing wrong that way, short of contacting Microsoft Tech Support I can only think of two ways of investigating this further:

1. You said "I recently purchased FS Discover and that is in the addon menu and was wondering if that program was blocking FSUIPC4.". To check this, could you see if you can stop that loading, please? Find it and temporarily rename it.

2. In the "FSX Help" announcement near the top of this Forum you will find instructions on producing a SimConnect log file. Ignore the part about re-installing SimConnect, just get a log file of the startup of FSX until the point where you know FSUIPC is not getting a proper connection. Close FSX and show me the SimConnect log, please. If it is too big to paste here ZIP it and attach it to an email to petedowson@btconnect.com.

Lastly, as I said it would be a good idea to install FSX SP2 (if you aren't planning on buying FSX Accelerator -- if you get the latter it includes everything in SP2 in any case). In fact, installing it may possibly fix this problem in any case, though it seems a little unlikely to me.



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