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Fsuipc4 rev 4.3 pfcfsx rev 4.3 does not see old pfc console and avi box (no light version). ON TOP ver 9.5 does no see it either UNLESS oldprot.dll dated 7/13/2005 is in ONTOP file folder. I have tried to include this in FS module folder with no good results. PFCFSX does see com 1 port but just reports stream of xxxx's with a cockpit switch ever once and awhile. ONTOP 9.5 does map the old AVI box to new features like the garmin 430. I am impressed. How do we get it to work on FSX?

WES wesluster

Fsuipc4 rev 4.3 pfcfsx rev 4.3 does not see old pfc console and avi box (no light version). ON TOP ver 9.5 does no see it either UNLESS oldprot.dll dated 7/13/2005 is in ONTOP file folder. I have tried to include this in FS module folder with no good results. PFCFSX does see com 1 port but just reports stream of xxxx's with a cockpit switch ever once and awhile. ONTOP 9.5 does map the old AVI box to new features like the garmin 430. I am impressed. How do we get it to work on FSX?

Sorry, I know of no change whatsoever in the PFC protocols I support which would make it "not recognise" any PFC digital control system set in PFC digitaL protocol mode. The protocol has been substantially extended over the last three years, but not in any way made incompatible.

What version of my driver did it EVER work with?

Are you sure it is one of the series of PFC systems which are supported by their digital protocol? Are you sure it isn't one of those systems with dual PFC/Elite protocols built in, and is switched to Elite? (I think they had a protocol switch behind the throttle quadrant). Are you sure it is operating at the serial line speed set in the driver?

You may need to visit PFC's forums for more help -- www.flypfc.com.




I don't think it ever worked with Pete Dowson's FS Modules. Its more like 10 years old but works with New ONTOP 9.5. will check for switch. I saw old posts about chip upgrade but i would like to maintain old Ontop 5.1 compatability. Any of your manuals or doc's have message formats. does work at 9600.

I don't think it ever worked with Pete Dowson's FS Modules.

Okay, so it sounds as if it isn't using any protocol I know about.

Its more like 10 years old but works with New ONTOP 9.5. will check for switch. I saw old posts about chip upgrade but i would like to maintain old Ontop 5.1 compatability. Any of your manuals or doc's have message formats. does work at 9600.

Message formats? You mean PFC's Proprietary protocol? I don't think I'm allowed to publish that -- you'd need to apply to PFC and probably sign a non-disclosure agreement.

If it isn't set to Elite protocol, then it must be some protocol I've never heard of, used before I ever heard of PFC or saw its products. Sorry, you do need to discuss it with PFC. I really cannot support disused protocols.



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