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I am using FSX with the Learjet 45 Model. I am using FSUIPC 4.20 and WinFS7.

I have had a good look through the offsets and also tried FSinterogate but am unable to find the offset that gives the status of 'L IGN' and 'R IGN'

Just need these two now to finish off my interface program http://www.learjet45chimera.co.uk

Any help would be appreciated




I am using FSX with the Learjet 45 Model. I am using FSUIPC 4.20 and WinFS7.

I have had a good look through the offsets and also tried FSinterogate but am unable to find the offset that gives the status of 'L IGN' and 'R IGN'

FSInterrogate is a useful tool for experimenting with known offsets, but it isn't the reference for what is available. You should be referring to the FSUIPC4 Offsets Status document for that. I do try to keep the FSI file for FSInterrogate up to date, but it certainly isn't guaranteed, and hasn't got anywhere near as much infirmation in it as the offset documentation.

As it happens, the values actually called "Ignition switches" are not currently available through FSUIPC -- they never were and they've never been requested before. Things like that tend to be added by request.

I've looked at the SimConnect interface, and there are separate ignition switches numbered 1 through 4, with 1 and 2 corresponding to your Left and Right, so I'll add them in the interim FSUIPC4 update planned for later today. I'll add these to the TURB ENG set of values, as follows:

208C (4 bytes) Turb eng 1 ignition switch, 1=on 0=off

218C (4 bytes) Turb eng 2 ignition switch, 1=on 0=off

228C (4 bytes) Turb eng 3 ignition switch, 1=on 0=off

238C (4 bytes) Turb eng 4 ignition switch, 1=on 0=off

Currently the latest version is 4.305 -- look out for 4.306 later today or maybe tomorrow. (In case you hadn't noticed, interim releases and updated information are always provided via the Announcements above).



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