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Have been running SimKits USB 737 Flap gauge without problems until recently.

Whenever I attempt to open the USBFSUIPCLINK .exe (part of Simkits progy)I receive this response quote "USBFSUIPCLINK has encountered a prioblem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience".

I have the latest version of FSUIPC (registered).

Been on to Simkits Support and they suggest a fresh download of the SimKits software and recalibrate the gauge. I have done this but the error remains. Next I uninstalled FSUIPC and downloaded a fresh version. The Simkit gauge is fine in that whenever I connect the USB the gauge servos jump into life. The problem is with USBFSUIPC link to activate (connect to FS).

The only recent change (addition) has been the use of two BU0836X inputs board and programming 737 Overhead functions using FSUIPC 737OHD listing. All the OH switches function o.k. Would or could this have caused conflict with Simkit USBFSUIPC link progy?

Any suggestions on a fix or way around this problem?

Derek (Heron 1B)

Next I uninstalled FSUIPC and downloaded a fresh version. The Simkit gauge is fine in that whenever I connect the USB the gauge servos jump into life.

That means little more than they are getting power.

The problem is with USBFSUIPC link to activate (connect to FS).

I have never heard of that. There used to be a driver called "TRClink". Is that not used these days?

The only recent change (addition) has been the use of two BU0836X inputs board and programming 737 Overhead functions using FSUIPC 737OHD listing. All the OH switches function o.k. Would or could this have caused conflict with Simkit USBFSUIPC link progy?

Well not the programming of anything in FSUIPC. I'm afraid I cannot speak for hardware changes. When you say "All the OH switches function o.k.", are they operating through this "USBFSUIPC" driver too, on the same USB link, or are those "BU0836X" boards from a different supplier? If the USBFSUIPC link is working for those but not for your other connected hardware then it must certainly be either the hardware or the driver configuration.

Any suggestions on a fix or way around this problem?

Not really, as I cannot support hardware no other folks' drivers. It does sound like a hardware problem. If you want me to check whether FSUIPC is okay, when FS is closed grab the FSUIPC Log file and paste it in here for me to check.




Hi Pete,

Many thanks for the reply.

Found possible reason for the SimKit Flap Gauge error with USBFSUIPC Link.

Windows Update has high priority update for Microsoft. Net Framework 2.0 Service Pack (KB1100806) (X86). The Auto update failed to install this. Feel the original Net Framework could be at fault as this is required (I suspect) for Simkit software to run?

If I attempt to uninstall the original MS Net Framework progy it fails. So Repair or Uninstall facility is no longer avail.

Does this make sense?




Windows Update has high priority update for Microsoft. Net Framework 2.0 Service Pack (KB1100806) (X86). The Auto update failed to install this. Feel the original Net Framework could be at fault as this is required (I suspect) for Simkit software to run?

If I attempt to uninstall the original MS Net Framework progy it fails. So Repair or Uninstall facility is no longer avail.

Does this make sense?

Sorry, I don't know. I've never had anything to do with the Framework package and not being at all familiar with either that or this "USBFSUIPC" program I'm afraid there is no way I can advise. You really do need to seek SimKits help, assuming it is their program?




Hi Pete,

Thanks again for your suggestions. Have Simkit looking at the problem. Fairly sure it is a system problem I have here caused by MS Windows Auto Update. The Simkit Flaps gauge has been o.k. until a few days ago. The only system change has been that actioned by MS Windows Update (Auto).



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