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i'm using FSUIPC and also SIOC

SIOC needs hexa offsets.

In the last release, you are providing a list with Events.

With numbers like 66xxx.

I was first thinking that it was decimal numbers but conversion to hexa are not giving the correct offsets.

If i'm not using SIOC but one of the proposed SDK in c# or C++, we also enter the offset using hexa numbers

like here in c# : result = fsuipc.FSUIPC_Read(0x0c49, 1, ref token, ref dwResult);

But how to manage this list of 66xxx numbers that you are providing in the "List of FSX controls.pdf" file ??

Thanks in advance



In the last release, you are providing a list with Events.

With numbers like 66xxx.

Those are FS control numbers, and I have ALWAYS provided such lists, since FS98 days. They are the numerical equivalent of the named "Key Events" or FS controls you see in the FSUIPC or FS assignment facilities. You can use them when sending controls through the FSUIPC offset interface via offset 3110, and they appear in assignments in FSUIPC's INI file and in some of FS's own CFG type files.

But how to manage this list of 66xxx numbers that you are providing in the "List of FSX controls.pdf" file ??

They are not offsets, but controls or events. Nothing in that list is anything whatsoever to do with "offsets". What could possibly give you that impression?

Offsets are documented in the Offsets lists, provided in the FSUIPC SDK. They are for programmers, but if you need them you have to download the SDK.

I am rather surprised there is no documentation explaining anything for SIOC users. Don't the makers say anything about how to use their product?



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