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I have PFC equipment I am trieing to Programe the buttons in FSUIPC4 and I fail.

In what way do you "fail"? Don't the buttons get seen in FSUIPC? Can you elaborate at all?

How I Programe the Parameter ??

To do what? Most assignable controls don't use a "parameter", and for those that do use it the setting you need may be obvious, but it depends on what you want to do. There's no single answer!




fail meaning do not work , yes I can see the the buttons on the FSUIPC but in the game FSX

WWI Dogfight the Firing button do not work .


fail meaning do not work , yes I can see the the buttons on the FSUIPC but in the game FSX

WWI Dogfight the Firing button do not work

What is the firing button? What control or keypress are you trying to assign?

Can you please try providing rather more information when asking for help? There is no way I can see what you are doing from here, and I cannot guess either. You have to tell me what you are actually doing and what the result is. Just saying that you "fail", that something "does not work" does not offer enough information to even guess what you might be doing wrong! Don't you see that?

Maybe this firing button on this add-on aircraft has no way of assigning any control or keystroke? How do you do it normally, without a button? Is there any documentatin with this aircraft? Have you checked?

If it operates with a mouse only, there is a chance that it might work with a mouse macro created and then assigned.

Please think what you are doing and then tell me what that is. Unless you know what you want to assign a button to, you cannot very well assign it at all, can you?




I will try to give you explanation , I am useing

The newest Abacus Mission: WWI Dogfight and it is takes you to a by-gone era of aerial battles. Firing means fir a gone in the game(FSX).

I can not Programe the firing button in FSUIPC4

I can not operates the Firing opposition at all in the game.

I am useing the Cirrus 2 .

I can see the Firing opposition in the FSUIPC4 but I can not Programe the

Firing button in FSUIPC4 .



I can not Programe the firing button in FSUIPC4

I can not operates the Firing opposition at all in the game.

If you cannot "fire" in the "game" at all, then I'm afraid FSUIPC4 cannot make it suddenly work. You need to get in touch with the Support for the "game".

I am useing the Cirrus 2 .

Whether you use a PFC device or a Saitek jyostick or a keyboard button or anything isn't at all relevant. You already said the button is seen by FSUIPC4, so the PFC driver and FSUIPC are both working fine. If there is no way provided in the "game" to "fire" then having a button is not going to suddenly make it work. Sorry, there are no miracles, really.

I can see the Firing opposition in the FSUIPC4 but I can not Programe the

Firing button in FSUIPC4 .

You use "firing opposition" and "firing button" as if they are different things. "Opposition" means something which opposes -- i.e. is against. So that makes no sense here. I realise English is not your main language. Maybe you can get a friend to translate for you?

All I can do is repeat what I said. If there's a keypress or control provided by your shoot-em-up game in FSX for firing a gun, then it will be assignable to a button or key in FSUIPC. If there is not, if the "game" only provides Mouse control over the guns, then you might need to try to first create a Mouse Macro, and then assign it to your button. If the mouse button method doesn't work then there really is no way, unless you invest in something like Luciano Napolitano's "Key2Mouse" to program a key as a mouse press then assign your button to that keypress.

However, back to your first statements -- if the firing facility does not work in the game in any case then FSUIPC cannot fix it. You need to contact the support for that game.



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