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Hello all,

I have a rather old computer (P4 3.2 Ghz, 1 GB RAM) for running my FS2004. Loading FS takes quite a while, but framerates are ok. I also use Project Magenta´s and Pete Dowsons great software for a cockpit running on 5 PC´s in total.

My configuartion as follows:

1. PC 3.2 GhZ, 1 GB Ram, 320 GB HDD, WIN XP Home,running FS2004, WideServer, Fsuipc, EPIC, IVAP Server

2. PC 2 GhZ, 512 MB Ram, 40 GB HDD, WIN XP Home,running PDF (Project Magenta), WideClient

3. PC 2 GhZ, 512 MB Ram, 40 GB HDD, WIN XP Home,running Engines display + MCP (Project Magenta), WideClient

4. PC 2 GhZ, 512 MB Ram, 40GB HDD, WIN XP Home, running CDU, WideClient

5. PC, 1,7 GhZ, 96 MB RAM, 20 GB HDD, Win XP Home, running ServInfo, Teamspeak, IVAP Server, WideClient

Since a while when flying for about half an hour and changing/loading maybe 2 different situations in FS 2004 EPIC doesn´t react on keypresses. It seems to crash. FS and Project Magentas Software still work. To avoid that I thought about minimizing 1. PC´s work and running some programs of the FS PC on other PC´s (like on the CDU or Engines PC) .

1. Is it possible to run EPIC and " LoadEPIC" on for example the 3. or 4. PC

2. Do you think it can avoid crashing EPIC and release/unburden the FS-PC

3. If running EPIC on a different PC is possible, where can I find info about how to install /configure that (how does it work?)

Thanks for your help, found nothing in the forum about USB-versions

Greetings :D



Since a while when flying for about half an hour and changing/loading maybe 2 different situations in FS 2004 EPIC doesn´t react on keypresses. It seems to crash. FS and Project Magentas Software still work.

Hmm... have you checked with EPICUSB support? Isn't it still an active product?

1. Is it possible to run EPIC and " LoadEPIC" on for example the 3. or 4. PC

What's "LoadEPIC"? Is that a program supplied by RR to install the EPIC software?

If your EPIC programming is designed to provide standard Windows-detectable button presses, then WideClient should see them and be able to send them to FSUIPC for programming. In fact Wideclient may be able to read them direct, I don't recall. If it is the axis facilities in an EPIC then I don't think there's anything which will work on those from a Networked PC. But I may be wrong. I haven't worked with or used an EPIC now for over ten years, except for updating my EPICINFO for FSX (an update actually untested by me on any real EPIC).

Thanks for your help, found nothing in the forum about USB-versions

I don't think there's anything in this forum about EPIC at all, really. Have you tried anywhere else? Isn't there a website from EPIC these days? I think it was hosted by FlightLink. There was also a user forum, some name similar to "bluesideup"?




Hello Pete,

thanks a lot for the information. Already checked the Site bluesideup, the Link to the Forum is wrong (not found). I found the site of Flightlink, there is a link to RR. Google doesn´t find RR´s website.

The microcockpit Website is actually under maintanance.

You already helped me a lot, I need the axes as well so it makes no sense to install the Epic on another PC.

But I´ll ask flightlink to be sure about it.

Have a nice evening


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