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I have a problem to registration my widefs6 in fs 2004

I have purcharge on simmarket the 2 keys together 1 for fsuip and 1 for widefs6

The key for fsuip no problem but when I enter the key for widefs6 he don’t accept hem???????????


Maybe because I have a regristratet version of the widefs on the same pc in fsx

Where he work verry wel

I wand to use the fs 2004 for flights white the ivao network

And the fsx only for vfr flights

Please help me



I have purcharge on simmarket the 2 keys together 1 for fsuip and 1 for widefs6

The key for fsuip no problem but when I enter the key for widefs6 he don’t accept hem?


I don't know because I have no details and I cannot even look you up because I assume "ddfsx" is not your REAL name? Why on Earth keep yourself so totally anonymous and expect folks to know how to help? Are you sure you are entering it correctly, and not mixing up 1's and I's or O's and 0's, or even 2's and Z's? Best to cut and paste to be sure.

If you can't sort it out, send me your registration details privately (not here), to petedowson@btconnect.com and I will check them. Include the FSUIPC.LOG and FSUIPC.KEY files, Zipped please.

Maybe because I have a regristratet version of the widefs on the same pc in fsx

No, that is totally unrelated.


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