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help with FSUIPC 3.9 is too old for PMDG 747-400

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its been a while since i last simmed

im new here

I Use Both X-plane 9 and FS 2004 (9.1) on windows Vista 32 bit SP1 :? :(

after i installed Captain Sim 727 Legendary for FS2004

it replaced the FSUIPC (3.9) with an older version but i made a back-up and restored it

everything worked fine for then

registered FSUIPC 3.9,Captain Sim Vocals/Fscrew stoped playin sounds as well as the too low terrain i thought it was just like that will be ok but it seemed that it worked well when it was unregistered FSUIPC 3.9

PMDG 737series and 747series stopped working when i selected the 747-400

even with the updated FSUIPC (3.9) says FSUIPC 3.9 is too old and closes

Ive reinstalled Captain Sim 727 legendary still no avail had to remove all other payware aircrafts tried downgrading FSUIPC stil

my question is how to fix this cause the other alternative is to clean reinstallation meaning i'll have to format the hard disk

FSUIPC the old one is still registered by Captain sim no matter what update i do it still gives me the same too old even with FSUIPC 3.9

I followed the instructions with one or two other similar post

i cant find the FSUIPC.key file .ini or .log or .cfg file for FSUIPC in the FS9 Module folder just the .dll

in PMDG error solution it says to remove them and then add the new FSUIPC :x :(

your help on this one thank you :?:

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anybody ???????????????? :shock:

this site was recommended to me :(

could someone tell me how to fix this problem in Vista

i only see the FSUIPC .Dll file not the .ini nor the .config .key or .log

with the folder option set to show hidden files still nothing in the FS9 modules folder

i'd hate to tweak the registry in regedit which would mess the whole system and is risky

tried all registry repair softwares nothing and is gettin really frustatin

i know FS2004 is quite old

i hade FSX on my new system removed just so that i could install X-pane 9 without problems and hardly do anything apart from flying error free

just wanted to update Flight simulator 2004 which i use on vista (on the hardware) and my home made mini flight simulator virtual cockpit :mrgreen:

FSUIPC 3.9 unregistered is what i had been using before installing Captain sim 727 legendary recommended for FS2004 not FSX thats the reason without any problems,

:idea: my mistake was

i should have installed captain sim before PMDG products judging by the date of the FSUIPC 3.2.1 which then could have been upgraded with the new one :? thats the reason why PMDg 744 is complainin 737NGs gets frozen CRT screens are black as well in the VC controls wont budge nor the flight simulator commands apart from alt+ enter

and to reformat a hard drive would be insane just for a fligh sim come on :cry:

its got 4 years of hard work and research

ive temporarily removed all the payware aircrafts for time being will have to look for where i kept the CD's to reinstall

the freewares work perfectly apart from IFly 747

except the 747 queen of the skies untill i manage to clean the the FSUIPC error thing with FSUIPC 3.9 which is the last version for FS2004 and i dont know why its not being recognized any more even in the module folder itsself

its nothing complicated im sure just need help on this one from anybody who has experienced this before thank you

please check out flightgear.org http://www.flightgear.org

on behalf of the community to showcase its product

i think you may have heard of it been there for a while and its the best freeware Open source flight simulator for those wishing or opting for an alternative from commercial flight sims this product is user and machine friendly ....

thank you................

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Sorry for the delay. I'm off sick at present with the 'flu' and only working short hours. :-(

registered FSUIPC 3.9,Captain Sim Vocals/Fscrew stoped playin sounds as well as the too low terrain i thought it was just like that will be ok but it seemed that it worked well when it was unregistered FSUIPC 3.9

In that case it can only be one of two things:


1. The key you are using is an illegal one, generated by a pirate key generator,


2. The key was purchased AFTER the current date set on your PC -- check the date in Windows and correct it.

i cant find the FSUIPC.key file .ini or .log or .cfg file for FSUIPC in the FS9 Module folder just the .dll

If it is "registered" there must be a .KEY file -- else it is unregistered in any case. And if there are no .LOG nor .INI files, then FSUIPC has never been run at all.

I suspect you've allowed FS2004 to install in its default place, in Program Files, which, in Vista, is a protected folder -- nothing can write to those folders without Elevated Admin privileges (as for instance an Installer). Because FS2004 is not aware of such an environment (being written well before Vista), and because Vista knows this, it creates aliasses for all of FS9's folders and hides the real ones from you, elsewhere than in Program Files. So what you see, normally, is merely what was installed -- nothing more.

To see the real contents of any Program Files folder in Vista you must run Windows Explorer in Elevated Administrator mode -- i.e. right-click on its icon and select "run as administrator".

Note that there may be many other add-ons fooled by this. If you get other problems with them you may need to run FS2004 and the add-ons all "as administrator", or else re-install FS2004 in some more sensible folder, like C:\FS9.



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thank you for the reply Sir

ive tried the method that you've recommended :shock:

right clicked the explorer icons as administrator logged in as well as administrator

it opens my documents folder with admin rights

i only see stored saved flights thats it and other non-related FS9 files, music pictures etc and the regular document files

i tried opening the defualt location for Fs9 directory still the same just the .dll files

with administrative privelleges :shock:

..set the folder option to show hidden files still the same................................................................................

else if there are no .LOG nor .INI files, then FSUIPC has never been run at all.

when i first installed PMDG 737 NG producs it kept nagging me about FSUIPC not found

and FS9 closes

so i downloaded the freeware FSUIPC version 3.9 it worked as well with the PMDG 747 and IFly 747 Wilco and others all original as Christmas presents back in 2004

the Captain sim 727 legendary which was lent to me by my neighbor recently had FSUIPC 3.5.1 by the installer which replaced the 3.9 version and was registered so thats the fault which i realized that the FSUIPC must have been pirated which he bought from third world countries years back and is not a computer whiz when buyin products

and i apologize for that because it can really bring problems especially if its not genuine :oops:

i replaced the FSUIPC 3.9 back to the modules folder the original unregistered version

mine was never registered which i was happy with just having a FSUIPC freeware thats why i removed FSX and replaced it with

X-palne 9 because of this little important part which can cause complications for add-ons

when i load her up and click on PMDG i get the too old error for the 747 or the 737Ngs i get a black CRT no keys work apart from alt+enter this never happened years back till now

the most difficult part as of

to reinstall FS9 will mean ill have to get another disk 4 mine got fried in the CD/DVD-tray back in 2005 and to find an outdated software would be quite difficult these days

thank you sir for your and my apologies for the inconveniences

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Sir I think i have figured out the solution i just clicked on the compatibility tab and saw those files i remove them all did a fresh replacement and its working fine thank you very much

and thank you for this universal key FSUIPC it is officially unregistered and will remain unregistered

and for the legandary 727 i broke the CD--oops out of frustration my home Made VC is up and runing thank you :mrgreen: :P :D

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right clicked the explorer icons as administrator logged in as well as administrator

it opens my documents folder with admin rights

i only see stored saved flights thats it and other non-related FS9 files, music pictures etc and the regular document files

What are you looking for in your Documents folder? You don't need special privileges to look in there -- I really don't understand now what you are trying to do!

i tried opening the defualt location for Fs9 directory still the same just the .dll files

with administrative privelleges :shock:

Do you mean the Modules folder? If so you really aren't doing it correctly., then. And in any case, what exactly are you wanting to do when you find these files?

so i downloaded the freeware FSUIPC version 3.9 it worked as well with the PMDG 747 and IFly 747 Wilco and others all original as Christmas presents back in 2004

Okay .. in that case there is definitely at least an INI file and a LOG file in the FS modules folder. It is not possible for it to run and not produce these.

i replaced the FSUIPC 3.9 back to the modules folder the original unregistered version

The DLL is no different whether it is registered or not. The only thing which makes it registered or not is the KEY file.

when i load her up and click on PMDG i get the too old error for the 747 or the 737Ngs i get a black CRT no keys work apart from alt+enter this never happened years back till now

You certainly either have a pirated key in use still, then, or the date of your PC precedes the date the key was purchased. You need to delete the KEY file from the FS Modules folder -- the REAL FS Modules folder, not the one aliassed by Vista.

I'm wondering whether you are only not recognising the KEY, INI and LOG files because you have Vista set to hide the fieltypes of those it thinks it recognises? Either change that option, so you can see the filenames properly, or look for the FSUIPC file which Windows thinks is a "Registration Entries" type. Likewise it would call the INI and LOG files "Configuration Settings" and "Text Document" types, respectively.



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Sir thank you The Problem is solved

it seems that there was no key after all sorry to complicate the matter

its all working and functioning and all aircrafts are fully operational as well as the VC it self the acuators and turbulence vibration and hydraulics are respoing to the commands the CRTs are now functional in the Virtual Cockpit and the Overhead works too

the VC Cockpit looks something similar to this (the attachment but a lot more simpler and not to detailed connected to the Hardware)-----ref http://www.fagerjord.org/cockpit/

everything works screens no longer black


R.Cartier AKA AK-Emm


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