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WideFS trouble

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I'm still having trouble with my WideFS setup. 9 out of 10 times WideClient just keeps "waiting for a connection".

Here is my setup:

FSX computer (Vista 64 bit) running only FSX

Client computer (Vista 32 bit) running WideClient and when connected RC4 and ASV6

I've tried several options:

- Turning off the firewall of the FSX computer: no luck

- Enable ports 8002 and 9002 on both computers: no luck

- Putting ServerIPAddr and Protocol=TCP in the client ini file: no luck

- Instead of ServerIPAddr ServerName in the client ini file: no luck

Both computers have diffrent names, on both computers UAC is turned off. FSX folder is shared, network is working (I can acces my FSX folder on the client computer) as well as the flightplan folder.

What am I missing here?? Thanks in advance.



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I'm not sure about Vista but there used to be a setting called 'Workgroup' in the computer name section. It should be the same for both of them or they will not see each other.

What happens the 10th time? Does it work? Has it ever worked correctly?

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