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I am using airhauler with a saitek yoke. this all works fine on FS 2004 but on FX the yoke freezes after about 5 - 10 mins as far as I can work out this is due to FSUIPC4 which came with the addon. I have since made a clean install of FS FX and no air hauler program installed and my system works fine as soon as install the airhauler addon it just gives up on me. Please tell me what to do to rectify this issue with FSUIPC4.

Many thanks a frustrated Debra

I am using airhauler with a saitek yoke. this all works fine on FS 2004 but on FX the yoke freezes after about 5 - 10 mins as far as I can work out this is due to FSUIPC4 which came with the addon. I have since made a clean install of FS FX and no air hauler program installed and my system works fine as soon as install the airhauler addon it just gives up on me. Please tell me what to do to rectify this issue with FSUIPC4.

FSUIPC4 cannot have anything to do with it unless you've registered it (i.e. paid for it) and are using the axis assignment options incorrectly. If it only a problem with AirHauler I think you need to go to Airhauler support and ask them. FSUIPC automatically gets the blame for everything and is very rarely the cause. However, make sure you are using an up to date supported version -- for FSX is it 4.50 or later.



Pete, I have been through the Air Hauler forums and they have talked me through a whole load of things and they say that it must be the FSUIPC as when I did a clean install of FX everything worked fine until I ran the Air Hauler program through FX and after that FX was screwed up even when not running Air Hauler. The Air Hauler forum have told me that AIr Hauler uses FSUIPC to communicate with FX. so when it installs it installs FSUIPC as long as it just sits there dormant its fine. Once I run Air Hauler once thats it FX will not work with my yoke. I have copied the log files to see if this can tell you anything. this was done with just FX flying a default cessna until my yoke froze on me.

********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.50 by Pete Dowson *********

User Name=""

User Addr=""

FSUIPC4 not user registered

WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

Running inside FSX on Windows Vista (using SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07)

Module base=61000000

Wind smoothing fix is fully installed


140 System time = 09:41:36

140 FLT UNC path = "C:\Users\Debs\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

140 FS UNC path = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

1170 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

1170 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

8548 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0)

8548 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

8548 FSUIPC Menu entry added

8611 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM.FLT

8611 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aircreation_582SL\Aircreation_582SL.AIR

32136 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\C172\Cessna172SP.AIR

48687 C:\Users\Debs\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\VFR Shannon to Glasgow.PLN

101478 System time = 09:43:17, Simulator time = 13:15:41 (12:15Z)

103990 Advanced Weather Interface Enabled

2066935 Sim stopped: average frame rate for last 1966 secs = 13.8 fps

2072379 System time = 10:16:08, Simulator time = 13:48:26 (12:48Z)

2072379 *** FSUIPC log file being closed

Average frame rate for running time of 1966 secs = 13.8 fps

Memory managed: 889 Allocs, 889 Freed

********* FSUIPC Log file closed ***********


Hi Pete,

Just to follow up from the AH side.

Was working fine until they installed FSUIPC, and now the yoke doesn't work. It's not AirHauler, as it's not even running when they get these issues. If they start FS natively and create a flight, it still doesn't work.

If they do a bare FSX install, it works. If they then install FSUIPC4, it doesn't. As I understand it the Yoke doesn't use FSUIPC for connection to FSX so dunno what's up with that.

(however I do note the Saitek forum is littered with users having problems with the yoke)

Kind Regards,


Pete, I have been through the Air Hauler forums and they have talked me through a whole load of things and they say that it must be the FSUIPC as when I did a clean install of FX everything worked fine until I ran the Air Hauler program through FX and after that FX was screwed up even when not running Air Hauler.

If you've not registered FSUIPC then it is doing nothing at all, so it cannot be FSUIPC. Something AirHauler installed must be responsible if that's the only thing you've changed, but think back. It could be something else.

The Air Hauler forum have told me that AIr Hauler uses FSUIPC to communicate with FX. so when it installs it installs FSUIPC as long as it just sits there dormant its fine. Once I run Air Hauler once thats it FX will not work with my yoke.

Aha! In that case Air Hauler is messing something up in FSX USING the facilities to access FSX which FSUIPC provides.

I have copied the log files to see if this can tell you anything. this was done with just FX flying a default cessna until my yoke froze on me.

No, the log shows nothing out of the ordinary. There are lots of things we could log, but without some clue from the AirHauler folks about what they are doing, there's really no way to start looking.

I'm sorry to throw you back to them, but even if there's something i could do about it it is obviously something which AirHauler needs to tell me about.




Hi Pete,

I'm not doing anything controller based with AH and FSUIPC. All I do is read lat/long/vsi etc. The only writes are the mission text window, and toggling failures.

Note that if he installs FSX clean, and then installs FSUIPC4 from your website (without going near the AH installer), he still gets it. It's definately not an AH problem as he can reproduce it without running our installer.



(AirHauler Developer).


I'm not doing anything controller based with AH and FSUIPC. All I do is read lat/long/vsi etc. The only writes are the mission text window, and toggling failures.

Hi Duncan.

What failures? Is it possible one of them affects the controls and somehow sticks on?

Note that if he installs FSX clean, and then installs FSUIPC4 from your website (without going near the AH installer), he still gets it. It's definately not an AH problem as he can reproduce it without running our installer.

You are saying AirHauler has nothing to do with it, even though he says it is okay until after he runs AirHauler? Here, check it again:

The Air Hauler forum have told me that AIr Hauler uses FSUIPC to communicate with FX. so when it installs it installs FSUIPC as long as it just sits there dormant its fine. Once I run Air Hauler once thats it FX will not work with my yoke.

Whether FSUIPC4 is installed from Enrico Schiratti's site or my Updates here in the Forum, or by your Installer, won't be making any difference. What is reported as making the difference is the RUNNING of AirHauler -- but you are now saying that this isn't true, that the user is mixed up?

If it is nothing to do with AirHauler, and it happens to him irrespective of having Airhauler ever being near FSX, then, since he appears not to be using FSUIPC himself (not even registered?) it must be something else he's installed in FSX -- but if that is the case why does he only refer to the problem in relation to AirHauler?

Obviously the whole story isn't being told here for some reason. :-(

I was going to suggest that I should ask to see a log with IPC Write logging enabled, to see exactly what AirHauler is writing, but if what you are saying is true, and AirHauler doesn't need to be anywhere near FSX for this to occur, then evidently that would be a waste of time. This user has something else screwed up on his system. But i wish he'd come straight and tell me exactly what happens -- how else am I expected to help?




Hi Pete,

Yes - I think there's a problem with semantics here. His reference to "running" AirHauler really just means the installer, which has FSUIPC4 included.

I'll go and email him and get him to uninstall and re-install FSX, and install FSUIPC4 from here - and we can try that and see if it works. If it does, I'll then get him to install AirHauler, and we can see if that works.

(as an aside - not setting anything which would affect control surfaces on the failure front - it's the vacuum system/ASI/VSI/DI/AI, and flaps and gear only on the hydraulics).

Let me go back and get some definate answers, and I'll report back.

Kind Regards,



Let me go back and get some definate answers, and I'll report back.

Definitely ! ;-)

Oh, I'm away visiting my daughter from tomorrow evening (Friday 1st May), back on Saturday 9th, so it would need to be pretty quick if it needs my attentions still, or it would have to wait a week or so.



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