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I have registered copies of FSUIPC 3.90 and 4.50. I use FS9 and FSX. I use FSUIPC for hardware cockpit switches for different aircrafts. With mouse macros I got the following problem: Mouse macros work well with MSFS standard panels and mostly well with PMDG 737-800 panel (FS9) and also well with PMDG MD 11 FSX-Version and Wilco/Feelthere Airbus Vol. 1 (A320) FSX-Version. But when I create mouse macros in PMDG MD 11 FS9-Version, they work when tested with TAB, but there is no effect, when I assign the macros to a button switch. I experience the same effect using PMDG 747-400 FS9-Version and (here only at some gauges) Wilco/Feelthere Airbus Vol. 1 (A320) FS9-Version.

As an example non-working mouse macros for PMDG MD 11 FS9-Version are:

3=ENG1Fuel push=RX18a3c0*X8b90

Is there any solution for this problem or where could I begin working for a solution? I prefer using FS9, because FSX causes several other problems for my multi-monitor-arrangement.

Thank You for an answer!


System: Core2Duo E8400 3GHz, 4 GB RAM, Windows Vista 32, FSX + FS 9, 2x GeForce 8800 GT, TH2Go, USB-Graphic-Adaptor, 6 Monitors + 1 Touchscreen

Mouse macros work well with MSFS standard panels

Really? I've found almost no switches at all that respond. Which ones are you talking about?

But when I create mouse macros in PMDG MD 11 FS9-Version, they work when tested with TAB, but there is no effect, when I assign the macros to a button switch. I experience the same effect using PMDG 747-400 FS9-Version and (here only at some gauges) Wilco/Feelthere Airbus Vol. 1 (A320) FS9-Version.

Hmm. Not sure why it would work with "tab" but not subsequently, because they do the same thing really.

Of those aircraft I've only got the 747, so perhaps you can list those functions which don't work there, and show me the Macro parameter lines from the file corresponding to them, and i'll check here. But that will be after May 9th as I'm away in a few hours now and won't be back till then.

As an example non-working mouse macros for PMDG MD 11 FS9-Version are:

Please find examples for the PMDG 747 so I can try here.




Hello Pete,

thank You for Your immediate answer.

I checked things and I really wasn´t totally right with my description (sorry), but the problems with Wilco/Feelthere Airbus and PMDG MD11 (both only at FS9-versions) keep remaining.

1. You´re right, mouse macros don´t work with MSFS default panels, my memory was confused with other add-on airplanes, as I seldom use MSFS default panels.

2. I checked PMDG 747 (FS9) again and really: Most gauges now work with mouse macros, I don´t know what I made wrong before. But still the fuel control/cutoff switches make problems: the mouse macro for Engine #1 works perfect, but the mouse macros for Engines # 2, 3 and 4 also switch # 1 and not # 2, 3 or 4. This effect appears at TAB as well as assigned to a button switch. This is the only problem remaining at PMDG 747. Here are the mouse macros:


I notice, that there is no individual "address" for the knobs (only identical "=R1" for all knobs and not, as in other cases e.g. "=R2:Xa430*X8b90"). Could this be the reason for the problem, does it mean, these knobs are programmed in some other way and not suitable for mouse macros?

3. The problems with Wilco/Feelthere Airbus and PMDG MD11 (both only at FS9-versions) keep remaining as described. I can define mouse macros and they work with TAB, but when I assign them to a button switch there is no effect when the button is pushed. I am astonished of that, too, because I also presumed, that TAB would do the same as pushing the button, when a mouse macro is assigned to it. But I think it will be a problem for You to reproduce the situation if You don´t have these Addons.

4. In spite of these problems: thank You for developing the fantastic FSUIPC over the years. My hardware home cockpit works perfect with PMDG 737-800, and this would have been impossible without FSUIPC. In addition I use WideFS for running FSCommander and Squawkbox on another PC via LAN, and this also works perfect.



... still the fuel control/cutoff switches make problems: the mouse macro for Engine #1 works perfect, but the mouse macros for Engines # 2, 3 and 4 also switch # 1 and not # 2, 3 or 4. This effect appears at TAB as well as assigned to a button switch. This is the only problem remaining at PMDG 747.[/quoter]

This problem was fixed in ome of the interim updates, as you would see from other threads here. Please please ALWAYS check the Updates announcement here, otherwise I waste my time Annoucing them! :-( I think you'll find the details of the fix as item 5 in the list of changes.

3. The problems with Wilco/Feelthere Airbus and PMDG MD11 (both only at FS9-versions) keep remaining as described. I can define mouse macros and they work with TAB, but when I assign them to a button switch there is no effect when the button is pushed. I am astonished of that, too, because I also presumed, that TAB would do the same as pushing the button, when a mouse macro is assigned to it. But I think it will be a problem for You to reproduce the situation if You don´t have these Addons.

More than a problem, almost an impossibility. Though perhaps i can figure out some logging that would help me. remind me on or after May 9th, when I'm back.




Hello Pete,

sorry again, I actually didn´t realize there is almost a new update of Version 3.90 :? - now it works perfect in 747, thank You very much :D !

Have a nice time, I will ask again about Wilco/Feelthere and MD11, when You´re back (and I will now check once again before, if there are new updates). But I also realize, that You cannot work with addons You don´t have. Please tell me, if I can make things easier for You, e.g. by giving You a logging file or something like that.



I will ask again about Wilco/Feelthere and MD11, when You´re back (and I will now check once again before, if there are new updates). But I also realize, that You cannot work with addons You don´t have. Please tell me, if I can make things easier for You, e.g. by giving You a logging file or something like that.

Please ask again on Monday or later, after I've caught up! ;-0



Hello Pete,

back from hospital (fortunately nothing serious) I´ve time for convalescence with FS. If You have time and You like to do, You could tell me what to do to describe my problem with mouse macros for Wilco/Feelthere A 3xx and PMDG MD 11 so that You have a chance to help. Which of the airplanes should I work on? Should I produce some more mouse macros or some kind of logging file?

Thank You once more for Your help and don´t feel urged by my prompt reaction - I´ve got time to wait for Your answer.




If You have time and You like to do, You could tell me what to do to describe my problem with mouse macros for Wilco/Feelthere A 3xx and PMDG MD 11 so that You have a chance to help. Which of the airplanes should I work on? Should I produce some more mouse macros or some kind of logging file?

Right. Let's see. The thing I don't understand is why there are any switches which you can create a macro for which responds to the "TAB" test, but then that macro does not work after creation. That's the only thing I need to know about -- because no one else has reported this and I've been able to resolve many cases even where the TAB test fails but using the numeric appendage to the macro lines.

So. Please do this: before running FS, edit the FSUIPC.INI file as follows:

Add these lines to the [General] section:




(or change those lines if already there)

Then run FS, load the aircraft with a panel which behaves as you said. Choose just one such switch, and operate it via the Mouse, first, just so I get a "normal" log. Then go through the mouse macro creation process, to a fresh macro file (say "test"), using TAB just the once to test -- see that TAB works on that switch. Complete the macro creation process, assign a button or keypress to the "Test.xxxx", whatever macro you created, then operate it with that button or key -- just the once, please. See/confirm that it now doesn't work.

Close FS. ZIP up the "test.mcro" file and the FSUIPC.LOG file and send it to me at petedowson@btconnect.com. The log should help. It should contain the details of the mouse actions initially and during button creation, and the attempted simulations by TAB and by button/key (which should really be identical). Hopefully this will show me what is happening. If not, it will suggest where I need more logging and I'll have to send you a special version of FSUIPC.




Close FS. ZIP up the "test.mcro" file and the FSUIPC.LOG file and send it to me at petedowson@btconnect.com.

Thanks for the files.

the log shows that the macro is created okay as:

Macro: mouse action="PMDG_MD11.GAU":X180540*X8b90

However, you are assigning the Button to a different macro, one for a different aircraft:

Macro: mouse action="ACS.Logic-MD11.GAU":X1620*X8b90

... not executed because required Module/Gauge is not loaded

The problem seems to be related to the numbering of the Macro files. The log shows this on initial load:

65177 AIRCRAFT\PMDG_MD11\MD-11.air

66410 Aircraft="PMDG MD-11 Lufthansa"

66410 [buttons] now aircraft-specific:

66410 10=P4,0,K90,8

66410 18=P6,8,CM19:1,0

which refers, for button 6,8, to macro file number 19.

Later your new, test, assignment, was:

268805 Button changed: bRef=0, Joy=5, Btn=17, Released

268805 [buttons.PMDG MD-11 Lufthansa] 21=U5,17,CM20:1,0

268805 Macro: mouse action="ACS.Logic-MD11.GAU":X1620*X8b90

268805 not executed because required Module/Gauge is not loaded

i.e. to macro file 20, but it still got the wrong macro file.

I don't think this is anything whatsoever to do with aircraft panel switches, but references to files. Please look in your FSUIPC INI file, at the [MacroFiles] sections. Are all of the macro files which don't work numbered greater than 16? If so, then I think this is a bug I thought i'd fixed long ago. I'll check here ...




yes, I think, that´s it! All macro files not working are numbered greater then 16 in fsuipc.

Found it. Seems there was a similar problem with Lua files numbered greater than 16, which I fixed a while back. I hadn't spotted the exact same error in the Macro code too! ;-(

Please try version 3.911, now available in the Updates announcement above.

The problem also applied to FSUIPC4, fixed now in version 4.516.




Ok, thank you very much. We will try the new version of FSUIPC.



(his son)

Edit: After a test everything is working. Thank You very much. =)

  • 2 months later...

Hi Pete,

and everybody else.

I have that same problem with macros and Wilco A320. Macros are working with TAB but not after saving and when using a key.

I'll try v 3.916 and see does it help.

Thank you,


Edit: Hi! Yes, that solved the problem. Now, back in business. Take care

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