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Hi. I have just registered via SimMarket and received my registration key very promptly by email, but when I enter it I get the message "Sorry, this Key is not valid for FSUIPC registration."

This is a bit of a blow as I have just forked out AU$36.00 or so :-)

Any suggestions. I could not find mention of this particular problem in the forum.



Hi. I have just registered via SimMarket and received my registration key very promptly by email, but when I enter it I get the message "Sorry, this Key is not valid for FSUIPC registration."

Assuming you bought the right key (FSUIPC4 for FSX not FSUIPC 3 for FS9 and before) -- check that first -- you are most certainly making an error. You need to get all three parts -- name, email/address and key exactly correct. Careful with 1's and I's, 0's and O's, 2's and Z's. If you aren't sure, use cut and paste.




Thanks, I just went to the site and paid for the key. I did not think it gave an option, but it was probably for FSUIPC3 as you suggest... Is there a way around that without paying another 36 bucks :(

Sorry to be a nuisance.


Thanks, I just went to the site and paid for the key. I did not think it gave an option, but it was probably for FSUIPC3 as you suggest... Is there a way around that without paying another 36 bucks :(

"Probably"? Why not check the receipt/details on your SimMarket account? They've sent me nothing about any purchase for FSUIPC3 from Australia recently. Are you Michael Toohey? If so it was certainly for FSUIPC4 and you are simply making a mistake.

I don't have anything directly to do with SimMarket. If you want to sort anything out with them you have to open your account and raise a problem ticket. Don't expect too much sympathy for buying the wrong product though -- they do make it very clear on the purchase pages.




Hi, i have the same problem with they registration key =S. I´m totally sure that i bought the right version (FSUPIC4 FSX) and i´ve re-entered my details many times and this message "Sorry, this Key is not valid for FSUIPC registragion" always comes up =S. The funny thing is that i bought a package (FSUIPC + WideFS Keys), and the WideFS Key worked perfectly well. Any suggestions?

Nicolas Baeza

Hi, i have the same problem with they registration key =S. I´m totally sure that i bought the right version (FSUPIC4 FSX) and i´ve re-entered my details many times and this message "Sorry, this Key is not valid for FSUIPC registragion" always comes up =S. The funny thing is that i bought a package (FSUIPC + WideFS Keys), and the WideFS Key worked perfectly well. Any suggestions?

What does the =S signify?

If you are Nicolas Baeza Castillo then both your keys are for the FSX versions, and both work fine. You are definitely making a mistake. Probably mixing up the 1's and I's I see in the Key. Use cut and paste if you aren't sure!




Thanks for your really quick answer! :D

Well, i copied and pasted the key and it worked, you were right i was making a mistake somewhere. Anyways, my problem is fixed

thanks again.



Hi again.

You were correct, SimMarket was not all that helpful, so I had to buy the FSUIPC$ for the upgrade price, was not too bad I guess. Could have been worse. I still maintain that the original link I followed did not give an option between the two, but it does not matter now, all fixed (for a few bucks :-) )

Cheers and thanks,


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